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Hair Restoration

Dramatic hair loss can be a brutal blow to self-esteem and confidence. There is considerable discrimination against people who look older because of thinning hair. People often wait until it's too late before they do something about their hair loss. There's a range of readily available hair restoration programs that successfully restore a full head of hair.

Hair Restoration Options, Costs
For people who haven't lost all the hair on the crown of their heads, a combination of topical hair restoration treatments and hormonal products slow balding and can foster new growth. Those who have waited until there's little hair left, can opt for medical hair restoration, where qualified doctors safely transplant grafts of growing, healthy hair to balding areas of the scalp.

Popular oral hair restoration medications like Propecia are doctor-prescribed and are not recommended for women because of severe hormonal side effects. Propecia costs about $150 for a 90-day supply. Topical hair restoration lotions like Rogaine must be applied several times a day and cost about $30 for a month’s supply. Based on the severity of hair loss, it can take up to six months to foster significant results from drugs or topical solutions.

About Medical Hair Restoration
For permanent hair restoration, surgery may be the best option. A qualified transplant physician can evaluate what is called the donor area -- the amount of hair a person has that can be transplanted. Often the success of medical hair restoration depends upon the size of the donor area and the extent of existing hair loss. Transplant costs begin at around $2,500. About one year following hair restoration surgery, the transplanted grafts mature and grow without additional treatment.

Simply come in for a consultation to learn about your exciting options of having your hair back forever and you'll receive a 3-day/2-night Resort Getaway Certificate. Schedule your complimentary, private consultation right now!


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