Reasons for Hair Loss
When you look in the mirror every morning you may notice
that your forehead is growing and your hairline receding.
You may be experiencing male pattern baldness. It afflicts
33 million American men.
If you’re not suffering a disease that causes
baldness and have not been exposed to radiation or chemotherapy,
there are a number of reasons for your hair loss. Some
are preventable through a change in the products you
use in your hair, and others forms can be handled by
drugs available on the market.
The Hair Cycle
Though the hairs on our head are actually made of dead
cells, they have a life cycle. There are about 100,000
hairs on the male head, and we lose about a 100 hairs
a day. The way that nature maintains a full head of
hair is that another 100 hairs sprout every day. Hairs
sprout, grow to a certain length, fall out, and are
replaced by new ones.
The Most Common Hair Loss Reasons
The most common hair loss reasons are age and heredity.
Some believe that if your mother’s father went
bald, then you too carry the gene. We begin to bald
when the number of replacement hairs is less than the
number that fall out. This process is usually regulated
by a common gene through a type of testosterone called
DHT. As we get older, DHT, or dihydrotestosterone,
begins to inhibit hair growth on our head and starts
growing hair in unsightly places like the ears, nose,
and back. There are both pills and topical drugs that
either suspend this process or extend the growth phase
of our hair. If you are losing your hair, these products
may be for you.
Simply come in for a consultation to learn about
your exciting options of having your hair back forever
and you'll receive a 3-day/2-night Resort Getaway
Certificate. Schedule your complimentary, private
consultation right now! |