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Hair Loss Prevention Pills

Looking for a pill to put hair back on your head or to stop your hair from falling out? Well, there aren’t that many options on the market, and most treatments work best for those going bald not those already bald. So, if you’re in the market to keep you head of hair, hair loss prevention pills may be for you.

How We Lose Hair
Before explaining how hair loss pills work, you should know the fundamentals of hair loss and regeneration. Frequent use of perm chemicals or of shampoos and lotions that contain alcohol can cause hair loss, but the more frequent cause is genetics. If you’re hair is falling faster than leaves in autumn, you can blame your ancestors. Though the hairs on your head are actually dead cells, they have a life span. The male scalp on average has about 100,000 hairs. Every day 100 new hairs sprout and 100 fall out, and thus you maintain a constant amount of hair on your head. However, a common gene can cause testosterone in the form of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), usually the cause for hair growth, to actually remove hair from the scalp.

Hair Loss Prevention Pill
The hair loss prevention pill contains a chemical called Finasteride to inhibit DHT. Finasteride was originally used to ease prostate enlargement, also caused by DHT. In lesser quantities, it’s become the only USDA approved ingredient to suppress the production of DHT. According to Merck nine out of ten men who took the pill either maintained the hair they had or actually grew new hair. However, two percent of those tested reported a drop in libido. So for most men, they can look forward to keeping balding at bay.

Simply come in for a consultation to learn about your exciting options of having your hair back forever and you'll receive a 3-day/2-night Resort Getaway Certificate. Schedule your complimentary, private consultation right now!


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