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Alaska Caribou hunting guides for Trophy Caribou, Arctic North Guides  

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Above-Kim Blake's  Oct 1st, 2005 Trophy Peninsula Brown Bear

Kim Blakes Trophy Moose hunt shot in 2003 on the Alagnak river
      Above-Kim Blakes Trophy  Moose            Below- Lou Hellers 10ft  Bear        

Watch our Hunt Video 56k---256k

Brown Bear hunting in Alaska Lou Heller shot the Boone Crocket Bear on Sept 1st 2002
Alaskan moose shot with Guide Charles Summerville hunter Barry Brevik

  Alaska Brownbear with Tony shot on the Alaska Peninsula 01

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 A successful Alaska Brown Scott Miller with a Giant Fall Peninsula Brown Bear taken in unit 9cBear hunting trips is the pinnacle in a hunters Life achievements, The true giant Peninsula Brown bears that roam the Alaska Peninsula in unit 9 range from 8ft-10 1/2 ft. We offer prime Brown bear hunting in unit 9c-9e taking a total of 8 hunters per year allows us to concentrate on quality not quanity as many of the well known Peninsula guides hunt 15-30 Brown Bear hunters per year. We have 8 separate river drainages that consistently hold large concentrations of Brown Bears as they border Katmai National Park and Aniakchak National Park. And the only guarantee is that Our guides will give a 110% each and every day.

    Our  keys to success are Location! Location! Location! and not over hunting our area as we Hunter Keith Matinchek with a true 10 ft Peninsula Brown Bear taken in MayOperate 3 separate camps in addition to two main lodge strategically located on Salmon Rivers. Usually 1-2 hunters will hunt from the main lodge via Jet boat and the others fly to remote Brown Bear Outcamps. We hunt the largest and most consistent Brown bears in the state. And with a 94% success rate over the past 20 years harvesting Brown bears on the  Peninsula you are assured a quality Brown bear hunt.

% of our Caribou are shot within 3 miles of the main lodge. 

Alaska Brown Bear Hunting Guide  Zach Babat poses with a 10'6 Alaska Peninsula Brown bearArctic North Guides is a true full service Alaska Brown Bear Hunting Guide & Outfitting  service operating from May 1st-Oct 20 in three locations on the Alaska Peninsula in unit 9c & 9e, for Giant Coastal Brown Bear.

 Alaska Brown Bear Hunting  Arctic North guides was founded by Master Alaska Brown Bear hunting  Guide Dennis Reiner of Fairbanks Alaska in the 70"s and he is still active in the Brown Bear hunting operation along with  Registered guide Fred Tuttle & Pilot/Guide Jay King, Registered Guide Scott Deslauriers and Pilot/guide Phil Byrd managing the day to day operations.  There combined Alaska Brown Bear hunting experience is over 80years. Combined with there professional staff of licensed commercial Pilots, Assistant guides, packers, cooks and  management staff Arctic North Guides is one of Alaska's premier full service Alaska Brown Bear Hunting Guide Outfitters. Our experienced Alaska assistant hunting guides are the core of the business and include Jim Tuttle 13 years, Rafi Jeknavarion 15 years, John Manns 6 years, Lou Heller 5 years, 

 Brown Bear Hunting Rates  1x1 10 day hunt $14,500pp, Dr Terminini Posing with a nice 9 1/2 ft Peninsula Brown Bear on a fall hunt        Our rates are very competitive with our competition and in many cases lower. we do not skimp on equipment or facilities as we operate only the best equipment and have 2 complete lodges in operation with our own Pa 18-Super cub airplane,15 jet boats ranging from 16-22ft, 4 rafts and 2- 4 wheelers this is not a fly by night Super cub guide camp, we have over a million dollar investment and run it accordingly. We offer the real deal no BS and excuses.  

Booking a Brown Bear Hunting trip  To book an Alaska Brown Bear hunting trip with Arctic North guides we require a 50% deposit upon confirming your dates all trips are booked through Alaska Adventures LLC our reservation  and marketing company, the balance is due July 15 prior to the August or Sept hunt.  Due to the the nature of these trips they are non refundable unless we have to cancel them due to  acts of god, or weather. We strongly recommend travel insurance to protect yourself in case of emergency cancellations.

 Alaska Brown Bear Hunting Guide school     Want to become a Professional Brown Bear guide!  Arctic North Guides and there subsidiaries operate 2 bear Hunting guide schools in Alaska and 1 fishing guide school in North Carolina  if you think you have what it takes to be a successful professional Brown Bear guide and are willing to learn from hard work then give us a call and sign up for 1 of our schools learn from the best. 2 years min alaska hunting experiance required to graduate, 14 days per year  Alaska hunting experience before eligible for Asst Guide license to guide hunters under a registered guide on your own.




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 My first Moose hunt went so good that I returned the following yAlaskan Trophy Moose 68" Guided hunts in Alaska with Registered guides Scott Deslauriers and Pilot/asst Guide Charlie Summervilleear and hunted Grizzly Bear and Caribou that was also successful. The best thing about hunting here is the personalized service and the small number of hunters. I hope to return soon for another Alaska Caribou hunt.        TYE, C



Awesome is how I describe my Spring Peninsula  Grizzly Bear Hunt. Guide Scott Deslauriers is a true master of Bear Hunting. With our spike camp set up 200 yds off the beach we had a great Vantage point and on the first morning of my 8 day hunt I took a Beautiful 8 1/2 ft grizzly Bear. The beast took 3 rounds from  my custom .338  that Remington had built for the hunt. I then flew back to our Main camp  for the next 4 days while waiting for my hunting partner to shoot a 10ft monster on day 6. Thanks for all the hard work and great job at Both camps  Scott, Charlie and lance. Thanks and Hope to hunt with you again.           Doug Painter      

Executive Director of N.A Sport Shooting Foundation


Alaska Trophy Guided Moose from Alagnak River Camp Big Moose what an understatement we hunted 5 days and saw 6 Bulls over 60" on day 5  I was lucky enough to have this 71" inch Trophy Moose come to Charlie's Outstanding Cow Calling.  Hunting Moose on the Peninsula is exhilarating !! Cant say enough about the first class camps-great food and superb planning on our guides part. All 4 hunters filled out on Trophy Moose the week I there in September and the camp average was 64".   KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK .      Thanks for the great times  George K!


I can't thank you enough for the great hunt and what Brown Bear hunting in Alaska Lou Heller shot the Boone Crocket Bear on Sept 1st 2002a bonus after Killing my Giant Peninsula Brown Bear on Day 1 of a 10 day hunt, I accompanied  friend Barry Brevik as camera man on his Moose hunt. We hunted a total of 3 hours between the two hunts and every one went home with Trophy Animals. This shows the true knowledge and experience of a professional guide that knows there areas and does not over hunt them.                      Lou Heller


Alaska Moose hunts with Guides Outfitters Alaska Trophy HuntsThank you for my Trophy Moose if it wasn't for your determination and superior knowledge of your area I would of went home with something smaller. Thanks for the continued positive attitude and putting me in the right place at the right time. We had slow start but a strong finish with this Massive Trophy Moose. The only bad thing was it was the smaller of the two Moose we were stalking. The Trophy Moose Quality was 2nd to none.    Dale P

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  ALASKA  All Rights Reserved This website contains alaska Caribou hunting lodge material (photographs, graphics and text) that has been copyrighted, the rights to which are owned or have been licensed to Arctic North Guides and any unauthorized use of any  alaska Caribou hunting Guideswithout the prior written consent is prohibited and will be prosecuted. 
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Alaska Brown Bear hunting guides specializing in Trophy Alaska Brown Bear hunting the Alaska Peninsula for giant Kodiak Brown Bears Alaska  bear hunting on Alaska Peninsula, The best  bear hunting is on the Alaska Peninsula for Giant Brown bears, Alaska Brown Bear  hunting guides for B&C Alaska Bears and Arctic Grizzly bears