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Marketing Plans

What is a marketing plan?
It’s an annual planning document that sets the direction for a product, service or business by spelling out the strategies, tactics, timelines and budgetary details for accomplishing the objectives.

Two things to note here: 1) It’s an annual document, meaning the development of your marketing plan is part of your ongoing marketing efforts and 2) It covers broad topics, like strategies, and very specific details, like timelines and budgets.

What will a marketing plan do for me?

General Dwight D. Eisenhower said it best:

"Plans are nothing; planning is everything."

Developing a marketing plan is a process that steers you towards proper decisions in your marketing effort. When you develop a marketing plan, your business will:

  • Enjoy a new-found focus
  • Create a consensus for future actions
  • Spark new ideas and creativity
  • Build momentum and
  • Grow

Why do I need to write the plan down on paper? Can't it just be in my head?
It would be nice if we did everything we thought of, but we don't. If your marketing plan's in your head, chances are that's where it'll stay. Also, the physical act of capturing a plan on paper forces you (and your business associates) to brainstorm, discuss, debate, ruminate, prioritize, and ultimately commit to a course of action. This process enables the best ideas to percolate to the top.

How long should a marketing plan be?
A marketing plan can run anywhere from a couple pages to hundreds (business plans tend to run a bit longer). We’ve seen marketing plans that could double as doorstops, but is that really what you want? The best plans are short, simple and to the point. Your plan should leave no doubt what you’re planning to do, and how you’ll do it.

What are the most common sections to a marketing plan?
Every marketing plan is different-just like every business. But if you're looking for the most common sections to a marketing plan here are a few:

Executive Summary
Current Situation
Key Problems
Competitive Situation
Target Markets
Products & Services
Distribution & Pricing
Branding & Key Messages
Marketing Strategies
Budgets & Timelines

Some companies will use all these sections, others only a few. It all depends on your business and its situation. If you're not sure which to use for your your business, contact us at ... maybe we can help.


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(612) 824-4833

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