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Hair Loss Treatments - Hair Replacement - Hair Transplant Surgery - Alopecia
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Hair Regrowth Systems

Science has come a long way in developing hair regrowth systems to treat pattern baldness. Options abound in medications that stimulate hair growth, scalp treatment procedures that clean and restore follicle activity, and outpatient transplantation that allows people to grow new hair for a lifetime. While there is no current cure for alopecia, the hormonal condition that causes pattern baldness, there are hair regrowth systems available today that can arrest or reverse what once was irreparable hair loss.

Medical hair loss clinics provide a wide range of regrowth systems, employing topical lotions or serum to clean dry or caked hair follicles of sebum and oils common in alopecia. They then treat the scalp with blockers to help stop production of DHT, the hormonal byproduct that clogs or dries up follicles, causing hair loss. Over the counter topical medications like minoxidil (commonly sold as Rogaine) can also be used to help thicken hair and restore damaged follicles. There are additional non-invasive, outpatient hair regrowth systems that clinicians typically use to treat pattern baldness, including fusion, hair weaving, scalp cleansing and the application of fibers made from keratin protein to thicken existing hair.

Hair Regrowth Systems with the Surgical Option
Patients may also elect to combine topical, non-invasive hair regrowth systems with partial or complete medical hair transplantation to restore a full head of hair. Transplant physicians can use single hair insertions or follicular unit grafts to achieve a living, permanent solution. They may employ touch-up procedures for partial thinning, or more comprehensive sessions for severe baldness. The determination of most-appropriate hair regrowth system can depend upon a professional diagnosis of medical and family history, the availability of a person's donor hair, and the prognosis for long-term baldness.

Simply come in for a consultation to learn about your exciting options of having your hair back forever and you'll receive a 3-day/2-night Resort Getaway Certificate. Schedule your complimentary, private consultation right now!


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