February 19, 2006
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Research Fact Sheets: General Info
- Aging and Cerebral Palsy, 12/1996
- Aging with Cerebral Palsy II, 4/2004
- Aging with Cerebral Palsy III, 9/2004
- Ataxia Telangiectasia, 11/1994
- Autism: A Developmental Brain Disorder, 11/1997
- Bone Density in Children and Adolescents with Cerebral Palsy, 7/2005
- Can Disabilities Associated with Aging Be Delayed?, 8/1998
- Causes of Death of Persons with Disabilities Due to Cerebral Palsy, 11/1995
- Cerebral Palsy in 14 European Communities, 12/2002
- Chickenpox and Stroke in Childhood, 7/2001
- Clinical Care Services for Adults with a Motor Disability, 4/2002
- Developing Brain: How Children Learn - The Dana Alliance, 11/1997
- Epilepsy in Children with Cerebral Palsy, 8/2003
- Evaluating the Usefulness of an "Innovative" Clinical Procedure - How Can We Really Know If It Works?, 8/1998
- Evaluation of the Child Suspected of Having Cerebral Palsy, 5/2004
- Exercise: The Need for Guidelines, 7/1997
- Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) Children at School Age, 8/2005
- Feeding and Nutritional Problems, 12/2000
- Genetic Disorders of Metabolism: Cerebral Palsy, 5/2000
- Genetics and Cerebral Palsy, 2/1998
- Hearing Loss in Early Infancy, 5/2002
- How Does The Brain Heal?, 8/1996
- Hypotonea: Decreased Muscle Tone, 1/2004
- Imaging The Newborn Infant’s Brain, 11/2002
- Impact of Cerebral Palsy, 1/1997
- Increased Mortality in Persons with Cerebral Palsy, 1/2000
- Internet: Communication, Information, Misinformation, 11/1999
- Long Term Outcome of Childhood Epilepsy, 11/1998
- Maternal-Fetal Cell Exchange Pregnancy Complications, 10/2002
- Maternal Prenatal Steroid Treatment, 6/2005
- Neurologic and Developmental Disability Six Years after Extremely Preterm Birth, 2/2005
- New Legislation, 12/2000
- Non-Institutionalized Persons with Mental Retardation and/or Dev. Disabilities; Characteristics and Sevices Used, 9/2001
- Outcomes of Perinatal Arterial Stroke 12/2005
- Pain Experienced by Children with Cerebral Palsy, 7/2004
- Pain in Adults with Cerebral Palsy, 8/2004
- Participation of Animals and Humans in Medical Research, 6/1995
- A Previous Preterm or Low Birth Weight Infant Is a Warning Sign of Subsequent Stillbirth, 3/2004
- Protecting the Threatened Brain, 8/2002
- Recurrence of Birth Defects, 9/1994
- Relationships Btw. Prematurity, Neurological Disorders & Organization of Health Care Services in Perinatal Medicine, 6/1998
- Relationship of Intrauterine Infection and the Premature Infant, 5/2003
- Research Investment in Perinatal Disorders by the NIH; The "Burden of Disease", 8/1999
- Risks and Benefits of Gene-Therapy Update, 7/2003
- Stroke In Infants and Young Children, 11/1996
- Statistics, 11/1994
- Study of Persons with Cerebral Palsy in Europe, 3/1994
- Terms Used In Research, 5/2005
- There are Relatively Few Good Studies of the Treatment of Impairment or of Disability. Why?, 7/2000
- Twinning as a Risk Factor for Cerebral Palsy, 5/2000
- Ultrasound and the Prediction of Cerebral Palsy, 10/2004
- Very Low Birth Weight: The Consequences in Early Adult Life, 2/2002
- Very Low Birth Weight and Permanent Brain Damage, 2/2004