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50 Ways to Help Children




Children & Youth

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Signs of Need (50 Ways to Help Children)

  • Over a million children - that's over 13,000 school buses full - are abused each year in America.

  • 1 in every 330 Americans develops cancer before age 20.

  • 1 in 8 children between ages six and fourteen have some kind of disability.

  • A startling one out of every five children in the U.S. lives in poverty.

  • Students who spend 1 to 4 hours per week in extracurricular activities are 49% less likely to use drugs and 37% less likely to become teen parents.

  • 20 million children worldwide die each year from hunger.

  • 1 in 5 high school students considers suicide - 1 in 10 attempt it.

  • The incidence of childhood obesity, heart disease, and diabetes is on the rise, but the amount of time given for physical education classes in on the decline.

Signs of Hope
Successful programs have been set up to tackle these problems, including food relief, anti-violence campaigns, drug and suicide counseling, and mentoring programs. And these efforts are making a difference.

  • MENTORING AT-RISK TEENS: At-risk teenagers are 46% less likely to start using drugs if in a mentor program.

  • HUNGER DECREASING: The percentage of children who go hungry around the world has actually decreased.

  • TEEN VIOLENCE: Contrary to its portrayal actual teen violence, drug use, suicides, and pregnancy are all declining.

  • CHILDHOOD CANCER: Often called the miracle of modern medicine, the death rate for children with cancer has been cut in half.

Still, too many children are being lost to poverty, to violence, and to addiction. While the problems are severe, you can help by choosing a charity working to end children's suffering.
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