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Due to the immense popularity and the number of submissions we have received over the years, we have decided to only feature the "Top 100" sites for each state. This will allow the consumer to narrow down their choices on a state by state basis. It will also allow for our members and advertisers to focus more on specific services they can offer to the consumer.

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If you're a real estate agent or real estate related business, we invite you to submit your site. Our "Top 100" sites is one of the most popular sections of the Real Estate Pros web site. If you would like to purchase advertising on any of the state pages in the "Top 100" sites, please select the advertising button above and indicate your interests in the comments section.

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*Give us a brief 2 or 3 sentence description of your site
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Office Phone: 1 888 279 1814
Office Hours: Mon thru Fri - 9:00am to 5:00pm - Sat and Sun - Closed
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