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'Old Aches and Pains' Loved Lake Lanier - a Story by Fishing Lanier with Bill Vanderford
While fishing for striped bass in Six Mile Creek the other day with Atlanta Braves Traveling Secretary, Bill Acree, we couldn't help but remember an old fishin' buddy and great ball player that we had known well. He was Chicago White Sox, Hall of Fame shortstop, Luke Appling, and until his death a few years ago, Luke had a dock in one of the deeper coves near the mouth of Six Mile Creek.
'The Fall Frenzy' - a Story by
Dad looked at me and I looked at him and at the same time we said ''frenzy.''
A Guide? I don’t need no stinkin’ guide! - a Story by Jim Erskine
Before the trip, I had researched every web site, every fly-fishing report, every pattern, and every sea chart preparing for this trip. I knew everything there was to know about the area. There wasn’t a tarpon, permit and Jack Crevalle I couldn’t catch. I didn't need any guide...
A Guides Day Off - a Story by Adventures With STS Guiding Service
This past summer on a day off with my girls, we did what all guides do, went fishing. My girls have spent many days on the Fraser in the past but this year there was limited opportunity as we were very busy. We decided to go for a long boat ride up the Fraser in search of a fisherman free bar.
A Whale of a Cat Tale - a Story by Carl Bridgman
Have you ever heard of this sort of catfish behavior? Let Carl know if you've seen it before.
Adventures on the High Keys.... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Early-thirty comes way too soon. We come stumbling out of bed with cobwebs in our eyes, ears and throats. It doesn’t take long to get dressed and get down to the ramp to launch the Islander for our first trip on the water there. This was all new to us so we would have to explore the waters to find where we wanted to fish. It’s a wonderful place to watch the sun come up over the horizon. We explored the flats in front of the Tropical Reef to look for bonefish or maybe just anything. Every movemen
All in a days work... - a Story by Curtis Barnard
I looked at the creek as I walked down the trail and saw plenty of good downed trees, riffles, and pools. About 3 casts into the water we both were pulling out little rainbows about 4 inches.
Are Bass Really That Dumb?.... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Now Jack had a motor so small that a gallon of gas would most likely last two or three years to run it. It was the perfect fishing machine for Steven’s Lake. Off we went on another adventure.
Be a Dad First! - a Story by Jim Erskine
Bream a.k.a. American Pirana - a Story by Curtis Barnard
A humorous account of how a father's knowledge of 'the best fishing spots' is sometimes luck more than anything else.
Careless Wishes - a Story by Robert Richards
When fishing for a specific fish, you never know what might decide to bite. And, when that happens - hang on!
Catch and release, Catch and release again - a Story by kevin reading
Each year the bass gets a little bigger and with the Indiana record for spotted bass being just over 5 pounds, I have seen this fish as my chance for a record fish. At around 4:00 p.m., we finally crossed the bridge to the still water right next to a rushing current all hid behind a fallen tree about 15-20 feet away from the shore.
Catfish can turn on the lights for you. - a Story by David Barnes
Saturday night, just after dark, 7 or 8 truckdrivers would be casting their lines into the lake and clipping those little bells on their poles so they could tell when they had a bite.
There was a couple of flaws with that idea though.
Catfishin' on the New River... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Ever use Ivory Soap for catfishing? Read a story from the good ol' days when a boy learned that it really does work.
Clear Creek - a Story by Curtis Barnard
I grabbed my pole and flies and headed down to the creek. About 5 minutes after I had wet my line, I had about 4 or 5 different fish jumping. The smallest fly I had was a size 18 and should have had at least a 20 for these fish, but hey I managed.
Clear the Bridge..... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Gary came down one day to visit and we took his boat out on the St. Lucie River. Didn’t catch anything, but a good time that day. Had fun exploring the river and planning more fishing trips in the future. The next day, Gary went out in Cocoa Beach and got into some redfish action….or so he says. Unfortunately, on his way back to the ramp, the Eagle landed and became a submarine that day. All you could see was his new conning tower and periscope. Gary would die rather than call Pat or me for help
Dad's Misstep - a Story by Carl Bridgman
How I dearly loved to fish with my Dad! You remember, he's the one that helped me catch the fish that Grandmother ate in 'Granma's Fish.' One time we were fishing down on the keys in Florida. He had this secret spot he was going to take me. We went there but was sorry we did at first.
Dechutes Conspiracy Theory - a Story by Curtis Barnard
Well the fishing conditions were great, but the fishing wasn't. After fishing the whole day and catching only 1 trout, I slowly drifted away.
Everglades Fever.... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
I have been on some very interesting trips in these fifty-some years, but this trip topped even my level of toleration for fishing. Most fishermen experience one of these trips, sooner or later…
First Flathead - a Story by Keith Saplin
First Time - a Story by fishmom
There's a first time for everything. Read about one fisherwoman's first fishing adventure. We'd love to hear about your 'first time' or any other adventure you have to share with the rest of us.
Fishing off Port Kembla / Wollongong. - a Story by Ron Williams
The sun had come out and the true amount of salmon in the water was made apparent – there were thousands of fish over 2kg in this pack. An amazing sight! The millions of baitfish that they had herded up were probably whitebait – around 1-2 inches long and barely visible in the water. Despite the numbers of fish, there was definitely no such thing as an easy hookup. The fish fought very hard and when they went deep it was a real slugfest to get them back up to the surface.
Five Islands off Port Kembla - a Story by Ron Williams
I set the hooks and the fish flashed silver - bonito! Around it, the water was alive with yellow, green and silver as half a dozen kingfish darted around the hooked bonnie, so Andrew lobbed a fly out and was onto one within seconds. The hooked bonnies got the kingfish going berserk, much moreso than the hooked kingfish, though we don't know why. I even had a kingfish take a green surf candy that I had dangling in the water while I looked for a fish to cast it at!
Flamingo - Heaven or Hell? - a Story by BarHopp'R Guide Service
My good friend Russ Hubbard and I had been plotting and scheming a boy’s weekend fishing trip for some time. It began with planning a trip to Jupiter Inlet, where Russ was going to introduce me to some of his favorite big cows. Russ was in bad need of some R & R from the pressures of his job. I was just excited about the prospect about fishing Jupiter Inlet for the first time.
Fly Tying Journal - a Story by Josh Barnett
Joshua tells of his first fishing trip of the season and the excitement of getting an early start with his Dad.
Frolicking and Fishing in the Ozarks - a Story by Fishing Pro Staff
I picked up the car phone and called my father in Fort Smith, Arkansas. I told him about my extra time and we agreed to meet on Saturday evening at one of my favorite places in the world, Roaring River State Park in southwest Missouri for a bit of rainbow trout fishing.
Gone Fishin' - a Story by Royce MacIntyre
Royce remembers his early fishin' days...
Good Things Come to Those Who WADE - a Story by Jesse Cole
I was wading around a local pond on a Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. There were huge grass clumps portruding from the water and I was doing my best to walk on them without soaking myself. On top of the grass clump I was about ankle deep but if I stepped off I would've been about waist deep in water.
Grandma's Fish - a Story by Carl Bridgman
Suddenly my cane pole began to bend to it's breaking point. There was no way I could pull whatever it was to the surface. I began to yell for Dad to come and help me (which he did, and almost tripped in the process).
Grateful to the Fish Gods! - a Story by Jim Erskine
Hear about an outstanding journey to Scotland to catch a few nice trout.
HA HA, Is it a Little One? - a Story by Jesse Cole
Not long after, the bobber went down and I began reeling. I felt the weight of a big fish and began to struggle as I was reeling it in.
How'd That Happen? - a Story by Jesse Cole
The action was slow and the temperature was in the 90's. We had run out of drinks and were getting ready to leave. I paddled over to a tree that had halfway fallen into the water and skipped a 4 inch motor oil w/ chartreuse tail under a limb. I worked the worm out from the cover of the tree.
Just one more cast... - a Story by Jim Erskine
Couldn’t you just imagine the look on the guy’s face across the pond? Although it wasn’t the trout he was fishing for, Jim's surprise catch is a whopper of a story...
Look Before You Bathe - a Story by fishmom
If you're married to a fisherman, always be careful around water - no matter where the water may be.
Marvelous Musky - a Story by Game Warden
I finally found out why musky fishermen count follows. A follow occurs when a musky notices your lure and swims after it so that you can see the fish. It doesn't sound like much to tell someone, but a follow is definitely worth counting!
Momma's Butt - a Story by Carl Bridgman
You've just got to use your imagination to picture what this must have looked like. :-)
My brother, Stockards Pond, and OL' MO - a Story by David Barnes
A fishing trip to Stockards dairy seemed like quite the adventure to me. It seemed like a trip to some far off exotic fishing site, but looking back now it was probably not more than a mile or two from our place. We nicknamed the big bass Ol' Mo, short for Old Monster. ...
My fishen buddy - a Story by Christopher Brown
Chris tells about his son's first fishing trip.
November Moon and Tennessee Smallmouth - a Story by R4SB
Fishing the point and then back tracking for a short distance, I decided to move. The moon was really casting some light now. I prefer fishing the shadowed banks when the sky is clear and the moon bright. Buss Hollow was my choice, located on the East Side of the lake. I knew plenty of shaded banks would be waiting for my arrival. The wind in Buss Hollow was not as brisk as on the main channel but sufficient for spinnerbaiting and one three and one half pound Smallie.
Ol' Mo & Me - a Story by David Barnes
Share David's remembrance of a childhood fight with the monster bass of the local pond...
Pandemonium on the Beach - a Story by BarHopp'R Guide Service
We stopped to fish snook on the outgoing tide at Redfish Pass, but the only thing biting was large jacks. We made our way north looking for tarpon, but didn't find any until we were just north of Captiva Pass. We found a small school of about 15 fish milling around in about ten feet of water. We set up and presented to them time after time, but they just refused to eat our crabs, pinfish, or shiners.
Peacock Bass Fishing in South Florida's Canals - a Story by Jason Akl
Being stuck in the middle of the city and needing some form of sanctuary from the hectic lifestyle, I decided to try this new Miami fishery, and it turned out to be an adventure all it's own.
Rainbow on the Madison - a Story by Curtis Barnard
We hopped in the truck and drove down to Madison Junction, passing other various small streams and thermal features. Yellowstone, the place where everyone comes to see the wildlife, the phenomenoms of thermal activity, But me, I come here for the fish, the secret streams with beautiful Cuttthroat. I come here to get away from the crowds, to find peace.
Remember When... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Funny how some things get you to thinking.. Alan Jackson's song 'Remember When' keeps playing on the radio lately and each time I can only think of fishing, many years ago here in Florida. I'm not sure why but it does, but my mind keeps wandering back to the 1950's on the Indian River with all my family down in Sebastian.
Safer Fishing Trips - a Story by John Campbell
Not every fishing story is a happy one. Read about John's miserable encounter with a Rapala and keep in mind the lesson to be learned.
Small Stream Fishing - a Story by Jason Akl
Early morning brings a new adventure in flyfishing small streams in the Midwest. There are more opportunities than most folk imagine.
Smallest Fish Competition - a Story by Marshall Hepner
So, what do you do when the fish are all runts? Have a 'Smallest Fish' contest of course!
Spring For Another Pitcher 2004 Tournament - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Well, it was time for another fishing tournament. We had been planning for another local, friends tournament since last October’s Hunt for Beer and Wings. We wanted to do something small and local to get away from the huge tournaments that we have fished in the past. The first one was in the fall of 2003 and Pat named it the Hunt for Beer and Wings Tournament.
Stalking Redfish Charleston Style - a Story by Fishing Lanier with Bill Vanderford
Capt. Legare Leland switched off the big outboard and allowed the sleek Action Craft flats boat to slide its bow up into the grassy flat just off the Intercoastal Waterway a few miles north of Charleston Harbor on the South Carolina Coast. He quickly shoved his maneuvering pole a couple of feet deep into the mixture of sand and mud and tied the boat to it.
'We're still about fifteen minutes until the tide will be over the grass enough to bring the redfish in to feed,' stated Capt. Leland.
Sticks and Salmon - a Story by Game Warden
Dad set the hook and started fighting the salmon. He stepped further out onto some rocks in the river and played the fish. And the fish played toward the shore...
Tall Shrimp Tales - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
Once upon a time, long, long ago on a bridge now forgotten, I remember dipping my first shrimp. I had lived here in Florida for nearly a year and by that time I had been exploring fishing holes and the attraction of the waters. I had met my buddy, Pat, who was a born and raised Florida cracker. I guess he had tried most everything once and a few things twice by the time I had met him. He had been telling me about catching shrimp in the Banana River while he was growing up and sure enough, I bit
The ASSident - a Story by Carl Bridgman
The Bass That Didn't Get Away - a Story by Ron Williams
I opened my eyes and listened to the sounds of the early morning, the sound of rustling outside the tent, the whistle of the light wind in the trees, and the snoring of the kids...
The Blue Nippers - a Story by Carl Bridgman
Wild Blue Crabs Attack Husband - that's Vinnie's story and she's sticking to it!
The Christmas Gift..... - a Story by Fish Tales Charter
The high point of my college education - a Story by barefootbum
Time with Kids - a Story by Fishing Pro Staff
With the onset of cooler weather, it is a perfect time to take your kids fishing at a nearby lake or pond. You don’t need to have a boat in order to spend some quality time and have a great afternoon with your kids fishing. A fishing pole, a little bait, plenty of drinks and snacks and some time is all you need.
Upper Kiah River - Eden - a Story by Ron Williams
Allan a friend from work and myself went out to do a bit of bassin’ in the stretch of river below my friend's farm. We should have got there a little earlier, but it was a good warm night anyway.
What Fishing Means - a Story by dis - Megaflies
'To go fishing is the chance to wash one's soul with pure air, with the rush of the brook, or with the shimmer of sun on blue water. It brings meekness and inspiration from the decency of nature, charity toward tackle-makers, patience toward fish, a mockery of profits and egos, a quieting of hate, a rejoicing that you do not have to decide a darned thing until next week. And it is discipline in the equality of men - for all men are equal before fish.'
When a Man Takes a Woman Fishing - a Story by Gander River Outfitters Inc.
You can see him get off the plane, like right out of a John Candy movie. He is, as we often say here in Newfoundland, 'dressed to the 9's'. Yes sir. He's going fishin'.
Who Caught Who? - a Story by Jesse Cole
About half way through the retrieve, I got a fairly strong hit and set the hook. My tackle, consisting of a 5'5' graphite ultra light rod and abu garcia ultra light trout reel, grinded and strained in protest as I pulled the bass in. I didn't know how big it was until it surfaced and I saw the size of it.
Whoppin' Walleye - a Story by Game Warden
A small rowboat, an early morning, a little luck, and you never know what you might bring in the boat.


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