German Version
User Agreement for the lease of links
This offer can change without notice. The newest offer online is the currently valid one.
The date at the bottom of the page shows time of publication and decides on the validity of the offer.
All previous offers are not valid.
- The links you choose will be put online only after payment is registered on TravelWorldOnline's
account. There is no specific point in time for the link to be put online. The link will be
online for the chosen amount of adviews or period of time.
- A short time before the end of the chosen amount of adviews or period of time you will receive notice that you can prolong
your link advertisement with TravelWorldOnline. Should nothing happen, that is we do not receive the
current fee for the continuation of this service within one week after the amount of adviews or the
period of time previously paid for was reached, your link will be deleted without further notice.
- All data made available by the customer will only be used for the integration of the chosen
link advertisements, the administrative actions necessary for this and customer contact.
- TravelWorldOnline works to keep its service in good technical condition. However constant
technical availability of our service cannot be
guaranteed. Liability for damages through technical failure or breakdown and other insufficiencies
is excluded.
TravelWorldOnline is not liable for damages caused by slight negligence other than lack of services
agreed upon in this contract. TravelWorldOnline is not liable for damages caused indirectly,
for damages following such defects or for profits lost as long as these damages are not caused
by wilful action or the lack of services agreed upon in this contract.
- The links on this website are carefully checked and will be corrected according to your wishes
after each reception of payment for a new amount of adviews or period of time. However, there
is no guarantee that the information in the purchased links will be complete, true and current at any
given moment of their publication.
- TravelWorldOnline is not responsible for any of the content on all linked pages and does not
adopt this content as its own. Each owner of a linked website is solely responsible for the content
on his pages. This declaration is also valid for all links within this website.
Each buyer of link advertisements under this contract agrees not to offer rassist, obscene, religiously,
politically or ideologically dubious, pornographic, radical, violent and otherwise illegal content on
his pages nor to add links to such pages within the content of his website.
- Without previous notice TravelWorldOnline will delete all pages that infringe against current laws,
in our opinion contain offensive, threatening, rassist, obscene, pornographic, sexist, violent or other
content and bar these pages permanently. No refunds can be claimed on payments already made in these cases.