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American Express and Bono pair up for charity credit card program

Img_cardapply_1 Credit card users in the UK are getting a new way to do good. Starting next month, Bono and American Express are pairing up to offer an American Express Red credit card in England. This cool card automatically makes a donation to HIV/AIDS charities in Africa equal to 1-1.28% of your credit card spending. No word yet if the card will be offered in the United States.

While you are waiting for this Red credit card offer to cross the pond, why not consider some similar alternatives that already exist for American borrowers:

  • American Express - Amex cardholders can donate their membership rewards points to select charities. A $5 donation is made for every 1,000 points you donate. American Express also has an online program to help you choose, submit and track standard donations online.
  • Working Assets - This VISA card has a low 9.9% APR and makes a $0.10 donation to the charity of your choice with each purchase.
  • Citi AAdvantage - The AAdvantage card allows members to donate American Airline miles to the Make a Wish Foundation. This card even has a matching program that will donate one mile to the Miles for Kids program for every three miles you donate.
  • Point donations - Many charities and non-profit organizations accept donations of credit card reward points or miles. For example, the American Red Cross accepts airline miles.

Don't wait for Bono's card, do something good with your credit card spending today!


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