Logo & Stationery Design
E Company Logos want to provide
you with the most comprehensive information
the concepts related to Logo Design and Stationery
| A
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
| G
| H
| I
| J
| K
| L
| M
| N
| O
| P
| Q | R
| S
| T
| U
| V
| W
| X
| Y | Z |
Adobe Acrobat: Suite
of applications to create and view PDF files.
Adobe Illustrator file format (.AI files): AI
was developed by Adobe Systems for the Windows
and Macintosh platforms. It is primarily vector
based although later versions, such as versions
6.0 and 7.0, support bitmap information.
Adobe Photo file format (PSD.files):The
PSD file format (.psd files) is the native bitmap
file format for Adobe Photoshop.
Achromatic: The non-colors:
- black, white and gray.
Agate: A type size of 5 1/2 points. See
also Agate Line.
Agate line: In newspaper classifieds,
a measurement denoting 1/4-inch depth by one
column width. There are 14 agate lines in one
column inch.
Air: Large white areas
in a design layout.
Airbrush: A compressed air tool that
dispenses a fine mist of paint or ink. It is
used in illustration and photo retouching.
Alley: The space between columns within
a page. Not to be confused with the gutter,
which is the combination of the inside margins
of two facing pages.
Aliasing: The term is commonly applied to
spatial aliasing, which manifests as visible
pixelation - a blocky or jagged effect - especially
with near horizontal or near vertical lines
of high contrast.
Alignment: The position of type and or art
materials as they are aligned on a horizontal
or vertical line.
Alphabet length: The measured length
(in points) of the lowercase alphabet of a certain
size and series of type.
Animated Gif: The Graphic
Interchange Format (.gif files), developed by
CompuServe Inc., is a bitmap-based format designed
for use on the World Wide Web. It is highly
compressed to minimize file transfer time and
supports images with 256 colors or fewer. The
GIF format provides the ability to store multiple
bitmaps in a file. When the multiple images
are displayed in rapid succession, the file
is called an animated .gif file.
Anchor Point: The point that remains
stationary when you stretch, scale, mirror,
or skew an object. Anchor points correspond
to the eight handles that display when an object
is selected.
Annual report: A booklet or book that
describes the progress and accomplishments of
an organization during a specific time period.
Anti-alias: The blending of pixel colors
on the perimeter of hard-edged shapes, like
type, to smooth undesirable edges (jaggies).
Anti-aliasing: You can change the
on-screen appearance of text by smoothing the
font edges. Anti-aliasing fills jagged pixels
with intermediate color or shades of gray to
increase clarity. The effect is easier to view
on large fonts or by zooming in on the text.
Arms: Those elements of letters that branch
out from the stem of a letter, such as: "K"
and "Y".
Arrow keys: Direction keys that move
or "nudge" selected objects in small
increments. You can also use Arrow keys to position
the cursor when you type or edit text onscreen
or in a dialog box.
Arrowhead: A symbol shaped like an arrowhead
that is used in an illustration to direct a
leader line.
Art Director: The artist who
is responsible for the overall look and conceptual
development of a piece or package of pieces.
The Art director makes all creative decisions
and recommendations.
Art lined envelope: An envelope
that is lined with an extra fine paper; can
be colored or patterned.
Art paper: A paper evenly coated
with a fine clay compound, which creates a hard
smooth surface on one or both sides.
Art work: Any material or image
that is prepared for graphic reproduction.
Artwork: All illustrated material,
ornamentation, photos and charts, etc. that
is prepared for reproduction.
Ascender: In typography, the parts of
lowercase letters that rise above the x-height
of the font, e.g. b, d, f, h, k, I, and t.
Aspect Ratio: The ratio of the width
of an image to its height (expressed mathematically
as x:y). For example, the aspect ratio of an
image that is 640 x 480 pixels is 4:3.
AutoCAD Drawing Database (.dwg files):
are vector files used as a native format
for AutoCAD drawings.
Alpha channel A special 8-bit grayscale
channel that is used for saving a selection.
The Help of Hashem we will do and we will succeed. |