Afterhours Daily e-mail newsletter for After Hours. Bandwidth CanadaReads Over the course of the Canada Reads campaign, we send out three or four updates to keep people up to date on broadcast times, books voted out, the People's Choice selection and more. Canadanow CountryCanada The Country Canada weekly e-mail newsletter outlines upcoming stories. DNTO Weekly e-mail newsletter tells subscribers what's on that Saturday's DNTO show and when. Disclosure Weekly e-mail newsletter highlights that week’s stories on Disclosure. Global-village Go2ittoronto Here and Now's Marichka Melnyk sends you details on Toronto's entertainment and events scene each Monday and Thursday. Ideas Weekly program listing. Marketplace Weekly e-mail newsletter, which includes info about upcoming programs and the latest product warnings and recalls. Mercerreport Each week Rick Mercer travels to a different part of Canada, meeting notables from the political arena, checking in with entertainment figures, and more often than not kicking back and and "Talking to Canadians". And of course No MERCER REPORT would be complete without one of Rick's famous trade mark rants. Musicandcompany E-mail newsletter listing upcoming programming and special events for Music and Company. Natureofthings The Nature of Things with David Suzuki is an award-winning documentary series broadcast across Canada, as well as over 50 countries worldwide, and explores issues, discoveries and events in the worlds of science, medicine, technology, wildlife and the environment. Openingnight Opening Night, CBC Television's award-winning, weekly prime time,commercial free performing arts series. Outfront Weekly e-mail newsletter announcing calls for submissions and highlighting upcoming programs on Outfront. Play Get a weekly note from >PLAY host Jian Ghomeshi and find out what's on next week's episode. Podcasting Keeping you up to date about CBC Radio's podcasts Quebecinconcert Forthcoming newsletter will provide info about upcoming QIC broadcasts, concerts and special events of interest to listeners in Quebec. Quirks Information about Quirks & Quarks Roundup Weekly e-mail newsletter containing information about upcoming shows. Smartask StreetCents Want to know what's coming this week on Street Cents? Then the Street Cents News is for you! Sundaymorning Weekly e-mail newsletter gives program information, links and information about CBC News: Sunday. TVDocumentaries Weekly e-mail newsletter that lists all documentaries on CBC-TV and CBC Newsworld. Tipsheet DNTO’s contributors offer tips about hot books, movies and music in this weekly e-mail. Twonewhours Discussion list focusing on new concert music. Vinylcafe The Vinyl Cafe newsletter informs listeners about new tour dates. Westcoastperformance Weekly e-mail newsletter contains info about upcoming broadcasts on WCP. Wordoftheweek Word of the Week newsletter. fifthestate Weekly e-mail newsletter highlights upcoming stories and web features for the fifth estate.
Atlantic-education BC-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top B.C. stories; sent at 8p.m. PT. BC-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from B.C; sent at noon PT. CBC-Radio-Canada CBC/Radio-Canada Corporate Mailing List Calgary-Headlines E-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Calgary stories; sent daily at 8 p.m. MT. Calgary-am-Headlines E-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Calgary; sent daily at noon MT. Edmonton-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Edmonton stories; sent at 8 p.m. MT. Edmonton-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Edmonton; sent at noon MT. Halifax-Headlines Daily newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Halifax stories; e-mailed at 8 p.m. AT. Halifax-am-Headlines Daily newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Halifax; e-mailed at noon AT. IndieNewsAtlantic A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. IndieNewsBC A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. IndieNewsNorth A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. IndieNewsOntario A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. IndieNewsPraries A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. IndieNewsQuebec A bi-monthly e-letter for independent producers providing updates on visiting network executives, funding, and programming initiatives. Manitoba-Headlines Daily newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Man. stories; e-mailed at 8 p.m. CT. Manitoba-am-Headlines Daily newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Man.; e-mailed at noon CT. Montreal-am-headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to main a.m. stories from Que.; sent at noon ET. Montreal-headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Que. stories; sent at 8 p.m. ET. NB-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top N.B. stories; sent at 8 p.m. AT. NB-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from N.B.; sent at noon AT. NF-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Nfld. stories; sent at 8 p.m. local time. NF-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Nfld.; sent at noon local time. North-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Nunavut, Yukon and NWT stories; sent at 8 p.m. local time. North-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Nunavut, Yukon and NWT; sent at noon local time. Ottawa-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Ottawa stories; sent at 8 p.m. ET. Ottawa-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Ottawa; sent at noon ET. Ottawa-cbctalks Occasional e-mail newsletter providing details on upcoming CBC Talks, an intimate lunchtime speaking series with prominent newsmakers. PEI-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top P.E.I. stories; sent at 8 p.m. AT. PEI-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from P.E.I.; sent at noon AT. Sask-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Sask. stories; sent at 8 p.m. CT. Sask-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Sask.; sent at noon CT. Sask_info Toronto-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top Toronto stories; sent at 8 p.m. ET. Toronto-am-Headlines Daily e-mail newsletter with headlines, abstracts and links to top a.m. stories from Toronto; sent at noon ET.