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Do you know that Marlboro is the most popular cigarette brand, created by Philip Morris. Marlboro brand became famous mostly through their billboard and TV advertisements of the Marlboro Man. Nowadays, Marlboro is known as the best selling ciga

Camel is a popular sigarets brand which was introduced by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco (RJR) in 1913. Camel cigarettes contain a blend of Turkish and American tobacco. Camel cigarettes were blended in a way that made them easier to smoke, in comparison to ot

Governor wants to redirect state tobacco funds
Barbour proposes other uses for $20M in Partnership money

Small bars blast proposed smoking ban
Neighborhood bar owners today ripped the state House for passing a workplace smoking bill that won’t let their customers light up but will let casino gamblers puff away.

Ontario to boost tobacco taxes by $1.25 a carton as of midnight

TORONTO (CP) - It's about to get even more expensive to be a smoker in Ontario.
The province's Ministry of Finance is boosting the cost of a carton of cigarettes by $1.25 as of midnight tonight. Finance Minister Dwight Duncan says the measure is the next step towards making the province completely smoke-free. He says tax hikes on tobacco are especially effective at discouraging young people from taking up the habit. Duncan says the province is also buttressing its enforcement of the Tobacco Tax Act, noting that both seizures of contraband tobacco and convictions under the act have increased dramatically in the past year. The province has already passed legislation prohibiting smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces across Ontario as of May 31.
Source: Yahoo News
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