Finance Partners - Serving Clients Together
If you are in the business of providing ethical, educated and informative financial and real estate advise for your clients in Canada we would be interested in working with you.
We are continually building our Canadian referral network of:
- Accountants - CMA, CGA, and more
- Business Advisors & Principals
- Bankers - Branch & Head Office
- Bankruptcy Trustees
- Collection Agencies
- Credit Counsellors
- Debt Management Specialists
- Financial Planners - CFP, & more
- Insurance Brokers & Agents
- Mortgage Brokers & Agents
- Mortgage Lenders
- Mortgage Servicers & Administrators
- Private Mortgage Investors
- Real Estate Brokers & Agents
Referral or brokerage fees are paid, when appropriate, and we maintain our strict privacy and confidentiality policy. The level of contact with 'your client' is up to you.
We have a rather standard Non-Disclosure, Non-Circumvention, Confidentiality Agreement which can be found here. Partner Agreement PDF
Please feel free to Contact Us to discuss how we can work together.