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Department of Interior seal As an unbiased, multi-disciplinary science organization that focuses on biology, geography, geology, geospatial information, and water, we are dedicated to the timely, relevant, and impartial study of the landscape, our natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten us.

  In the Spotlight

Magnitude 6.4 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS February 26, 2006

Magnitude 7.4 MOZAMBIQUE February 22, 2006

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Bacteriological Water Quality in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, Louisiana, Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, September 2005

Geography for a Changing World (1.3 MB PDF)

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  Science Features
streamgage National Streamflow Information
Collecting information about the Nation's water resources and the flow of rivers is a vital national asset that safeguards lives and property and helps to ensure an adequate fresh water supply for a healthy environment and economy. The USGS operates and maintains about 7,400 streamgages that provide long-term, accurate, and unbiased information to meet the needs of many diverse users.  Learn More
oil drill Meeting Our Energy Needs
The Nation faces simultaneous challenges from increasing energy needs, a growing dependence on imported oil from politically unstable parts of the world, and increasing demands to minimize environmental effects of energy resource development and use.  Learn More
earthquake damaged overpass Natural Hazards in Southern California
The Integrated Multi-Hazards Demonstration Project in Southern California will show how integrating information and products about multiple hazards can reduce loss of life and property from natural hazards. The unique research and systems capabilities of the USGS provide the science and monitoring needed to address the complex issues associated with natural hazards events, especially interrelated hazards, such as fire, floods, and debris flows, or earthquakes and tsunamis. 
Landsat 7 image showing the damage that New Orleans, Louisiana received as a result of Hurricane Katrina Landsat Data Continuity Mission
The USGS and NASA will be teaming up once again on the development, launch, and operation of a "free-flyer" Landsat Data Continuity Mission. The mission includes launching an earth observing satellite and the processing and distribution of the data from the satellite. NASA will have responsibility for procuring the data acquisition capability and the USGS will operate the satellite after a successful launch and check-out and will be responsible for the ingest, archive, processing, and distribution of Landsat-type data products. This capability could become operational early in 2011.  Learn More

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  USGS Calendar

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
March 7, 2006 - March 11, 2006

Ground Water Awareness Week
March 12, 2006 - March 18, 2006

USGS Congressional Briefing on Floods
March 17, 2006

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Natural Hazards Support System

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Landslides Available in CAP
  Geographic Information Systems

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  Fact of the Day

The Mississippi River System drains water from 31 States and is the source of 23 percent of the public surface water supply for the United States.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, February 17, 2006