The Wayback Machine -
Vancouver realtor Jay Banks starts real estate by listening
About Jay Banks
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About Brenda Kinnear
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More about Vancouver realtor Jay Banks

Here I am with my wife Brenda and our daughter Julie with her partner Mary in our backyard in Vancouver. Julie and Mary are visiting from Toronto where Julie has a very successful real estate practice.

I too was born back east in Hamilton many years ago, but would never leave Vancouver. What makes Vancouver great for me are the wonderful people. Here we know how to enjoy each day as it comes.

Jay - Brenda - Julie - Mary

Before my wife Brenda & I moved to Vancouver sixteen years ago, I worked out east in the clothing business in sales and management. But my mother is a realtor, my wife Brenda is a realtor, my two sisters-in-law (both sides) are realtors, my step-daughter is a realtor. Let's just say real estate is my destiny and I have been very happy working in the business myself since moving out west.

Nature plays a big part in my life too. I love to play golf and hike. I'm also a keen baseball fan if anyone wants to talk ball and have an abiding interest in the the history of the American civil war and of the twentieth-century.

My wife has all of her brothers and sisters here in Vancouver where they were born. I am delighted to be part of her family and very much enjoy the company of both my brothers and sisters-in-law. There are lots more cousins who aren't even in the picture. This is just the immediate family.

Bellinger family Vancouver . Jay Banks

I live in Richmond and can often be found taking long walks with our dog Oksana near the dyke.

German Shepherd Oksana jumping from water

This is Oksana playing with my daughter Kathryn. This isn't Richmond. Email me at if you want to find out where they are. You'll be surprised. All the best, Jay Banks