The Wayback Machine -
February 28, 2006
The Oscars®
Break out your cattiest Oscar® comments in our forums after you watch Dominic Tocci’s celebrity satire “Red Carpet!”
Friendly fire!
The New Dick Cheney More InfoDiscuss
Dick Cheney's image is constantly in need of polishing, as "The New Dick Cheney" demonstrates. Wonder how his handlers will handle his recent shooting incident.
Oh baby, baby
Preggers: The Life of Britney SpearsMore InfoDiscuss
Rumors abound that Britney has another baby on the way. With two kids and K-Fed (Popozao!), do you think she can ever be America's sweetheart again?
Bringin' on the heartache
How to Tell When a Relationship is Over in 90 Seconds More InfoDiscuss
Just like "How to Tell When a Relationship is Over in 90 Seconds" shows -- love ain't pretty. In fact, it kinda sucks. Forget the sweet stuff, give us your horrific tale of heartache in our Forums!
Wave your magic wand!
The WandMore InfoDiscuss
What would you do with a magic wand? Create world peace or conjure a pile of cash? See what the Intel Indies winner "The Wand" does with one and share your wish in our Forums!
Tower of power
The TowerMore InfoDiscuss
Big companies control more and more (and more) of what you see and hear. Watch "The Tower" and rant about big media power in our Forums!
Kung Fu Flicks
Religious Pics
Rocky & Bullwinkle