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Madame Monet and Her Son Oil Painting, by Monet, Claude, France, 1840 to 1926 Romeo & Juliet Oil Painting, by Dicksee, Sir Frank, England, 1853 to 1928 Romantic Bellagio Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists Cafe Concert at les Ambassadeurs Oil Painting, by Degas, Edgar, France, 1834 to 1917 Romantic Cafe   Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists
Place Ravignan Oil Painting, by Gris, Juan, Spain, 1887 to 1927 Sonata Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists The Ballerina Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists Mars Disarmed by Venus and the Three Graces Oil Painting, by David, Jacques Louis, France, 1748 to 1825 Chivalry Oil Painting, by Dicksee, Sir Frank, England, 1853 to 1928
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1.Our paintings are hand painted oil on canvas and are painted by skilled artists.
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4.Custom portraits hand-painted derived from your photos! click here for details
5.18 regular sizes plus custom sizes between 16"X20" through 72"X108".
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Samson & Delilah Oil Painting, by Rubens, Peter Paul, Netherlands, 1577 to 1640 Fox Scent Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists Venetian Terrace Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists The Grosvenor Hunt Oil Painting, by Stubbs, George, England, 1724 to1806 The Music Room Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists Peacocks Oil Painting, by Unfamiliar Artists
Oil Paintings Gallery offers beautiful oil paintings artwork and frames. Our oil paintings for sale are greatly discounted without compromising quality. We have textured hand-painted oil paintings on canvas painted by highly-skilled artists.
Our art for sale comprises a rich collection of many styles of art from classic to abstract, through Impressionism, Art Deco, Cubism, Surrealism and Naturalism.
Paintings like the Mona lisa and The Last Supper by Da Vinci, Creation of Adam and other motives from the Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo.
Different subjects: Landscapes, Still Life, Figurative, Romantic, Nude, European Art and many more.
Our oil painting list includes replicas of: Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Cot, Van Gogh and others.
Many of our oil paintings are original and are painted by unfamiliar artists.
Everyone enjoys art, and our oil paintings will enhance your home.
Within one week you can have any of your favorite oil paintings hanging in your living room, and at a most affordable price.

"... Your prices, selection, service and quality cannot be touched"

"... Never in a million years did I expect to these paintings to be as professional and vibrant as these. You are running a professional class act operation"

"... Your company has been a pleasure to work with"

"... The painting is beautiful - the frame is beautiful - the service wonderful"

"... Thank you for your quick delivery and excellent quality"

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Our Oil Paintings are hand-painted oil on canvas
Oil Paintings Gallery,
Alpharetta, Georgia
Toll Free: 1-888-395-2577
Telephone: 1-404-625-3771

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Oil Paintings Gallery, Alpharetta, Georgia.
Toll Free: 1-888-395-2577
Telephone: 1-404-625-3771
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