Find support from parents and adults dealing with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
- Alternative Medicine
Share your thoughts on alternative methods for health and healing -- acupuncture, feng shui, herbal medicine, and more.
- Alzheimer's Disease
Connect with other caregivers. Share information and stories about this degenerative disease - Alzheimer's.
- Anxiety
Find a safe place to discuss with other sufferers how anxiety disorders - panic disorder, OCD, and others -- affect your lives.
- Breast Cancer
Join with breast cancer sufferers and survivors, and their families for support and to share information.
- Cancers
Reach out to others dealing with cancer - brain cancer, Hodkin's, leukemia, skin cancer, colon cancer, and others.
- Children's Health
Discuss children's health issues ranging from selecting a pediatrician to discussing specific childhood problems.
- Depression
Find a connection and share feelings with people - adults and teens -- who understand overcoming depression.
- Diabetes
Share treatment information, sugar-free recipes, and stories about living with diabetes with people who understand.
- Diseases & Conditions
Learn about a large range of conditions. Exchange information and share stories with suffers, survivors, caregivers, and family.
- Drugs & Medications
Discuss side effects, new drug approvals, and the latest research.
- Fibromyalgia
Share information and receive acceptance and support from people suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and related conditions.
- Fitness
What motivates you to exercise and stay in shape? Share tips and find support here.
- Herpes
Meet people who are living with herpes, exchange information, and become a part of a supportive community.
- HPV/Genital Warts
Connect with others living with HPV, share information, and find support.
- Hypertension/High Blood Pressure
Discuss topics related to high blood pressure - treatment, nutrition, alternative medicine, and more.
Find support with people dealing with AIDS/HIV. Share information about treatment, prevention, and resources.
- Lupus
Find a supportive place for friends, family, and sufferers to ask questions, exchange information, and discuss ideas.
- Men's Health
Discuss health concerns unique to men - impotence, prostate cancer, hair loss, and others.
- Mental Health
Share stories and get support from families and sufferers dealing with mental illness, and discuss with professionals mental health topics.
- Healthy Cooking
Looking for healthy recipes and cooking tips? Exchange recipes and share cooking tips to improve your diet.
- Multiple Sclerosis
Receive support, share stories, and learn information from people with multiple sclerosis and their friends, family, and caregivers.
- Pregnancy
Discuss topics and share stories about pregnancy and birth - what to expect, baby names, labor, breastfeeding, complications, and more.
- Prostate Cancer
Discuss issues, exchange information, and find support for sufferers, survivors, and their families.
- Infertility
Learn about infertility problems, discuss treatment options, and share stories with women and couples coping with infertility.
- Sleep Disorders
Talk about sleep disorders and how it affects your life. Receive support from people with sleep problems.
- Stress Management
Discuss and exchange information about stress management methods.
- Weight Issues
Share stories, information, and gain support from people concerned about weight issues - weight loss, eating disorders, and obesity.
- Women's Health
Discuss and share information about health concerns unique to women - menopause, osteoporosis, pms, and more.