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Underpaid and undervalued: Kenyan nurses lured away NAIROBI (Reuters) - In a dimly lit ward at Nairobi's Kenyatta Hospital, Florence explains why she has lost heart in what was once a revered profession.
Smiling Silvio assails Italians in election run-up ROME (Reuters) - Lucia Ricci was beginning to think Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was following her.
Floodwater gone but fear remains in Haiti's Gonaives GONAIVES, Haiti (Reuters) - Along the banks of Haiti's now bone-dry La Quinte river, tiny concrete-block homes have replaced mud huts swept away by Tropical Storm Jeanne's floods 17 ...
Saudi Shi'ites enjoy new freedoms laced with fears QATIF, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) - For Shi'ites living on Saudi Arabia's east coast, freedom is an invisible line in the sand.
Filipino farmers suffer drought of Marcos money GUIMBA, Philippines (Reuters) - Gregorio Concepcion did not hesitate in 2004 when he was chosen to plant hybrid rice on his small farm in a northern province known as the rice bowl of ...
Chef prepares Peruvian cuisine to conquer the world LIMA, Peru (Reuters) - Peru, the land that gave us the tomato and the potato, has another gastronomic gift to the world: a chef named Gaston Acurio.
India's "supercops" in firing line over mob links MUMBAI, India (Reuters) - For eight years, Daya Nayak killed with impunity -- sometimes with his pistol but often with an AK-47 automatic rifle -- as he bumped off people suspected ...
Militias, armed gangs rule streets of Iraq BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Look in the pockets of Iraqis whose jobs take them around Baghdad every day and you are likely to find a clutch of passes and identity cards, one for every ...
Chinese hit the slopes as skiing takes off HONGHUALIANG, China (Reuters) - Li Chenlong learned to ski the hard way, by climbing a mountain, strapping on his skis, and figuring out for himself how best to get down.
Home-schooling grows quickly in United States COLUMBIA, Maryland (Reuters) - Elizabeth and Teddy Dean are learning about the Italian scientist Galileo, so they troop into the kitchen, where their mother Lisa starts by reviewing ...
Ethiopia waits for the Axum obelisk: again AXUM, Ethiopia (Reuters) - Nearly a year after a triumphant return home, three pieces of Ethiopia's national pride are still in their boxes.
Haiti's poor suffer as world looks elsewhere PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (Reuters) - The scars on the shoulder, neck and chin of little Laurencia Dieudonne are a constant reminder of the frightening night when bullets pierced the ...
South Africa's ANC delivers, but is it enough? NGOBI, South Africa (Reuters) - For supporters of South Africa's ruling ANC, the road to the tiny village of Ngobi offers physical proof of a promise kept by the party which ended ...
Digital product placement alters U.S. TV landscape LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A breakthrough in television advertising debuted without fanfare last spring as a brand-name box of crackers appeared on the CBS sitcom "Yes, Dear" for about ...
Katrina gives dire New Orleans schools a fresh start NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - For Pauline Augustine, a good gauge of her three children's education is the stories they bring home every day.