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Privacy Overview
Committed to Protecting Your Privacy Topica is one of the largest email service providers in the world. We host customer lists for thousands of businesses and organizations, professional associations, non-profits, and community groups.

We have a dedicated Privacy & Standards team to oversee privacy policy, compliance with our terms of service and ISP relations. Our goal is to protect subscriber privacy and provide control over one’s own personal data, as well as to assist list owners with privacy and compliance.

Our Privacy & Standards team assists list owners by providing tools and best practices education to protect their reputation, brand and throughput, and to ensure the highest levels of permission and consent when mailing.

Privacy Policy
Topica is committed to protecting your privacy. We want you to feel free to express yourself on the Topica system, so we are committed to allowing you to feel secure in an environment that puts you in control of what you share with the rest of the community, and with Topica. Topica is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program. Read our privacy policy.
Best Practices
Topica is dedicated to providing its customers with the best possible email throughput. To assist our customers with this goal, we maintain a list of best practices to follow in creating your email content and campaign. Read our best practices.
Anti-Spam Policy
Topica has a strict policy against Spam. As one of the nation's largest and most popular providers of email services, now serving over 50,000 mailers, Topica has consistently taken a leadership role in abuse prevention. We work with the email abuse prevention community to find solutions to the problem of unsolicited email. Topica is proud to be a member of TRUST-e, the Email Service Provider Coalition and the Internet Alliance, organizations that are dedicated to protecting consumer privacy, curbing unsolicited commercial email (or "Spam"), and promoting responsible email practices. Read our anti-spam policy.