I was approached by a client to publish a blog (news), about the implications involved on the governments decision to ban smoking, in indoor public places. The following is not just my opion on this subject.
As a smoker myself I am at a loss to see why our civil liberties are slowly being taken away by Government, what next a curfew on being out after a certain time at night to prevent crimes being committed?
Some of the questions I ask myself and sure others would like answers too.
How many of the MPs who voted to ban smoking actually smoke themselves? How many of the MPs who voted to ban smoking actually frequent a public house?, I thought they were too busy looking after the countries concerns to be able to go out drinking and smoking at a public house.
Why is it that only a few weeks ago, MPs voted and a decision not to ban smoking was taken? Have they all been given an incentive to change their minds now!.
Do they not realise what this will do to the economy? People who smoke regular are usually drinkers as well and they visit public houses more than once a week, if they stop going down the pub there will definitely be a drop in sales, therefore less revenue for the taxman and more unemployed as bar staff will ultimately have to be dismissed, the knock on effect will ultimately mean tax increases.
Well I hear the good doers saying “if you must smoke you can go outside and smoke” all well and good but who wants to stand outside in the middle of winter? And will you be allowed by law to drink outside with a glass or bottle in your hand I do not think so. Night clubs all ready have many laws of there own, so I can not see them allowing people to keep going outside just to have a smoke, I spoke to a lot of smokers in a pub yesterday and asked them if they would continue to go down the pub so often or go to a night club which they would not be allowed outside when they wanted too, their answer was “NO” how could we enjoy a night out anymore.
Unlike abroad we do not have the weather or outside facilities for people to sit outside on the pavement to enjoy what is a social event.
Are these the same good doers that probably have no children, who changed the law for teachers not being able to chastise or give any punishment out to pupils at schools, so now we have kids growing up who have no respect for anything or anyone?
Why could the government not have left it up to the individual landlord or brewery to let them decide if they wanted smoking in their establishments? This way there would be options open to both smokers and non smokers to have a choice, so you would see two pubs side by side one that allowed smoking which would probably be full of clients, and the non smoking pub next door probably nearly empty, with patrons giving their support to the landlord by drinking one or two orange squashes during the evening.
The brewery’s have already logged a grievance to the government over the smoking ban, as they can see how much this will effect them and their establishments and the economy as a whole.
The Government say they have passed this law to allow people who do not smoke the freedom of not being in a smoky atmosphere and ultimately to get people to stop smoking. I am sure they realise that if they ever did stop people smoking, that tax would have to be increased by at least 2p in the pound, would the non smokers like this to happen?
I agree with the fact that non smokers should be able to go out to venues etc which are of a smoke free environment, I appreciate that smoke from cigarettes is harmful, smelly and distasteful and I do my utmost to abide with their fresh air policy, but at present they have the choice to go out to a non smoking environment as there are plenty of places already providing for them. Once the smoking ban is implemented we as smokers will not have this choice anymore.