Selected Spa Hotels in Hungary
Land of Medicinal Waters
In Hungary thermal waters lie far nearer the surface than they do elsewhere. In this respect, Hungary holds a position unique in Europe. A daily 350,000 m3 of thermal waters break to the surface from natural springs and drilled wells around the country.
According to Hungarian law, thermal water is naturally occurring water hotter than 30°C.
Mineral water is naturally occurring water with a concentration per litre of more than 1,000 mg of dissolved minerals or which contains specified biologically active materials to a greater degree than a specified threshold. (For potable waters, in line with European Union requirements, this value has been reduced over the past few years to 500 mg/l.).
Medicinal water is mineral water which has been medically proven to have healing effects. In order to be certified as medicinal water - a matter handled by the Ministry of Health - tests lasting for several years and so-called double blind experiments must be conducted.
For thousands of years, man has used thermal waters for washing, cleansing, easing aches and pains and even for ritual purposes. And though the role that baths have played in healing and medicine has changed over time, there is ample evidence to show that they were sought after and frequented in Europe from Roman times to the present day. By the18th century, larger spas offering not only treatment but relaxation and diversion had come into fashion. It is no mere coincidence that every year many millions choose to spend their holidays in such establishments, as regular spa cures can play a crucial role, not only in the treatment of diseases, but in prevention, as well.
Hungary is the ideal place for anyone wishing to enjoy a spa vacation. In addition to spas, they'll find countless cultural, sports and other facilities right across the country.
Indeed, guests will find a really "warm" welcome in no less than 400 thermal establishments in more than 100 places.
Hungary's medicinal waters are primarily used for bathing, but there are also waters which have highly efficacious effects when taken as part of a drinking cure.
Article from the homepage of the Hungarian National Tourist Office