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Case Study
Consumer Guide Uses Topica to Bolster Relationships with Subscribers

Established in 1967 and with a Web presence since 1995, Consumer Guide® Automotive is a leading online consumer-focused, trusted resource for authoritative and objective reports on new and used vehicles, as well as automotive trends. Consumer Guide Automotive is committed to saving time and money for everyday people who care about value.

As a popular provider of automotive news and reviews, Consumer Guide Automotive needed a solution for managing their various newsletters and promotional emails — a solution easy to deploy, yet powerful in its ability to segment audiences based on customer interests.

Consumer Guide Automotive chose Topica to integrate with its current subscription-driving initiatives. Topica's Web-based solution provided a robust set of features that allowed easy access for all Consumer Guide Automotive users without the cost and manpower needed to operate an in-house solution. And as a fully featured online marketing application, Consumer Guide Automotive was able to create fully branded email campaigns, autoresponders and pull real time reports all from the easy to use interface.

Topica’s application required no installation of complicated software, and no extra cost for set-up and implementation, giving Consumer Guide Automotive the solution they needed to start building their email program right after signing up.Working with Topica’s Customer Success Team, Consumer Guide Automotive built a registration process for new visitors that would be capable of identifying the source of new subscribes as well as their interest in either newsletters or promotions.

Using Topica, Consumer Guide Automotive was able to create forms that could be integrated on various pages of their site, increasing the likelihood of visitor sign-up for their email programs. These sign-ups triggered autoresponders that acted as welcome messages, targeting individuals for their interest in free car quotes, Consumer Guide Approved car dealers, monthly newsletters and other promotions.

“Topica’s Online Marketing and Sales Solution is robust, yet easy to use and implement. Consumer Guide Auto can always rely on Topica to deliver quality communications to our subscribers.”

Megan Scallon
Communications Manager
Consumer Guide Automotive

Using Topica’s solution, Consumer Guide Automotive keeps in close contact with its car buying and car enthusiast subscription base, keeping them informed with the latest, targeted information and increasing their loyalty and lifetime value.

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