The Wayback Machine -
Internet Marketing Services Company.
Contact We Build Pages for your
Internet Marketing Services

Use our award winning SEO Tools to help analyze your website.

Free SEO Tools

We offer Internet Marketing Services to help you rank higher in the search engines and drive major traffic to your website.

Once your site is Optimized, you'll need link popularity marketing to help your site to rank higher in the search engines. (Definition of "link popularity")

But wait, there is much more
to Internet Marketing!

We have Website Designers on staff who can help you design a new site, or redesign an existing site.

Search Engine Friendly Press Releases

We Build Pages is proud to offer optimized press releases for our clients. These releases are a fantastic way to get your news out to the masses (not to mention bring in some great leads or sales as well).

Our releases get distribution in a variety of areas including:

  • PRWeb/ Emediawire
  • Yahoo News
  • Google News
  • MSN News
  • AltaVista News
  • AllTheWeb News
  • Feedster
  • Daypop
  • Your press release is distributed via opt-in email to PR Web’s database of more than 100,000 media outlets, industry analysts and freelance journalists.
  • We also use paid inclusion to get you news release into major web portals such as Yahoo, AltaVista, AlltheWeb and more.

Why should you create a press release?
According to PRWeb:

The press as well as prospects are using news search engines

* 98% of journalists go online daily
* 92% for article research
* 81% to do searching
* 76% to find new sources, experts
* 73% to find press releases

On an average day, 68 million American adults go online

* 30% use a search engine to find information
* 27% get news

Sources: Middleberg/Ross Survey and Pew Internet and American Life Project

Why do you want WeBuildPages to do your release?
We know search engine marketing. We can get the most eyeballs on your pressing news. We'll get the optimal results that will help boost your rankings with targeted anchor text embedded in your releases.

How much?
The cost for the distribution service is $500. This will allow you to embed hyperlinks into your release and have it distributed in all the above listed news resources.

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