The Wayback Machine -
Expert Witness Case History of Brian Trenhaile, PE Last Updated 11/11/04
Date of Incident Case Name and Type Legal Work Completed Lawyer or Law Firm
Worked For
For Status
4/21/1995 Fujino vs. Kaimana Boats, Boatbuilder Liability Incident Report, Calculations and Research Cynthia Farias, Honolulu, HI Plaintiff Settled
5/21/1997 Dollente vs Young Brothers, Stevedore Accident Report, Research, Deposition, Trial Testimony, Engineering Calculations, Scaled Drawings & Pictures Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Finished Federal Trial
7/31/2001 Silva vs. Matson Navigation,
Crew Accident
Report and Research Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
6/8/2000 Ferriera vs. Young Brothers, Stevedore Accident Report, Supplemental Report, Research and Pictures Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
12/14/99 & 9/2/00 Ua vs. Sause Brothers, Crew Member Accidents Report, Supplemental Report, Deposition, Research, Scaled Drawings & Pictures.   Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
10/26/1999 Kuchenbrod vs. Wailea Kai, Passenger Accident Report, Scaled Drawings & Pictures Completed.   Chris Bouslog, Honolulu, HI Plaintiff Settled
7/18/2002 Holmes vs. Gunther, Marine Surveyor Liability Incident Deposition Completed. Dennis O'Conner, Jr., Honolulu, HI Defendant Mediation Completed
8/28/2002 Kutkowski vs. Force Marine, Boatbuilder Liability Incident Technical Letter Regarding Calculations Completed. Harry Eliason, Hilo, HI Plaintiff Settled
7/13/2001 James Flowers vs. Sause Bros.
Crew Accident
Report, Marine Ergonomic Evaluation, Calculations, Scaled Drawings, Pictures & Trial Testimony Completed.  Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Finished Federal Trial
2/5/2002 Douglas Choy vs. Matson
Stevedore Accident
Deposition, Report, Site Check, Scaled Drawings and Pictures Completed.   Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
March 16,17 & 30 of 2001  Joseph Nahinu vs. Hawaiian Tug and Barge
Crewmember Accidents
Report, Site Checks, Deposition, Marine Ergonomics, Scaled Drawings & Pictures Completed. Pending Trial. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
4/19/2002 Keith Stephenson v USA & Honolulu Shipyard, Inc.
Shipyard Worker Accident
Site Check, Pictures, Case Review & Preliminary Verbal Report completed. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Case
12/12/2002 Gordon Silva v. Kema-Sue, Inc., Fishboat Crewmember Accident Case Review, Writtem Report & Deposition completed. Trial Testimony Pending. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Settled
8/30/2003 Kammy Kalili v. Matson Navigation Stevedore Accident Site Checks, Digital Pictures, Computer Aided Drawings completed. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Mediation Pending
David Crash v. Sause Brothers, Tugboat Crew Incidents Site Check, Pictures, Case Review completed. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Pending
3/9/2005 Lehua Jackson v. Young Brothers, Stevedore Incident Site Checks, Digital Pictures, Report, Computer Aided Drawings completed. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Pending
4/1/2005 Paul Thurston v. Matson Navigation, Stevedore Incident Site Checks, Digital Pictures, Report, Computer Aided Drawings completed. Preston Easley, San Pedro, CA Plaintiff Pending