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Satisfied Farabloc Users Speak Out!

The following letters are testimonials from those who have found Farabloc helpful in dealing with Pain

Phantom Pain


"Dear Farabloc:
Subject: Limb Cover

First and foremost, I, on behalf of my father-in-law want to thank all of you for the prompt attention you took to get the limb cover I ordered to my father-in-law. He received it on Friday and says that he hasn't felt this good in the almost 3 years since his amputation.

We are so thrilled. Thank you. We will sing your praises all over the state of Texas. Again thank you for again for this wonderful Christmas present no only for him but for us all."  

To whom it may concern,

Since I had my left leg amputated 7 years ago, I've had terrible phantom pains. Pain killers provided some relief, but not always -- at times they persisted.

Your device with the woven stainless steel mesh has been a God send. When it is applied at the onset, it provides complete relief.


Victoria, BC

To Whom It May Concern:

On February 17, 1987 my son Andrew, eight years of age, had his left leg amputated at the hip in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Among the many hurdles we had to overcome were the phantom pains Andrew had after the surgery. There didn't seem to be any answers to this problem. One type of medication made the pains tolerable when combined with a T.E.N.S. machine. They took some of the sharpness of the shocks away. I brought the pills and the T.E.N.S. home with us on March 15 because Andrew could not do without them.

On March 20, Mr. Wahl and Mr. Kempe came to Squamish in the hopes that they would be able to help us with these phantom pains. They left a "blanket" with us and told us to wrap Andrew in it when the pains begin, and hopefully this could be a solution.

Wanting to know if this would work I took him off the medication which I had tried to do two days before, but with no success.

When the pains started I wrapped him, waist down, in the blanket and the relief was immediate. The pains stopped and he relaxed. During the night he awoke shuddering from the pains, I used the "blanket" and he went right back to sleep. Now I put it on him for all night and he sleeps comfortably.

He has had no medication since I started the blanket and I have not used the T.E.N.S. machine once since.

I hope other people in the same situation can be helped by this method to deal with a difficult problem.

My thanks to these gentlemen for their time and caring for our little boy.


Squamish, BC

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To Whom It May Concern:

On January 13, 1989 I was involved in an industrial accident. A 1 ton counterweight from a 988 loader fell 3-1/2 feet onto my left foot crushing it from instep to toes. The Doctors at Royal Columbian Hospital tried to save my foot. For the first week I was in severe pain, taking 40mg of Morphine every 4 hours. One day an attendant from the physiotherapy Within 2 days my Morphine dosage was cut in half in a week it was down to 4 mg per 4 hours.

However the impact of the steel had completely crushed my foot & circulation was severely impaired and one by one my toes died. On February 17, 1989 the decision was made to amputate the foot. After the operation I found that I was having severe phantom pain from my toes and instep of my amputated foot. The Farabloc Blanket was put to use again and I felt relief within hours. Within a week I was only using the blanket at night as this seemed to be the time of day that the phantom returned.

By March 10, 1989 I found I was having almost no phantom pain but found the blanket to be of great assistance in relieving nerve pain as the end of my leg was coming to life.

I am sure that this instrument of relief will be of great comfort to me in the days ahead as I am fitted with my new foot.

My Thanks go out to the people who have made this Blanket available.


A. M. H.
Surrey, BC

You have been kind enough to let me use the Protective Fabric, as I am a war invalid, heavily wounded during the war, with an amputated leg.

I have repeatedly used the Protective Fabric at night against nerve pain in my amputation stump and can now report the following regarding the fabric.

I have been plagued by strong nerve pain at night, not being able to sleep as a result of it. I would wrap now the fabric around my stump and would be able to go to sleep as a result of that. I can warmly recommend therefore the fabric and I would not want to do without it.

For the use of the fabric I would like to thank you cordially and wish you the Best of success with the fabric for the sake of all people with amputatations.

With friendly regards,

S. I.
Vancouver, BC

Dear Sir or Madam:

I had my left leg amputated below the knee in June 1994 and has suffered almost constantly from phantom pain. These were truly intense pains and the pills that had been subscribed to lessen the frequency of phantom attacks and pain just did not seem to work.

One morning while reading the morning paper I noticed an advertisement for amputees who suffered from phantom pains and suggested that they try "Farabloc" I was a little sceptical and through the (NET) I found a wealth of information, thinking (what did I have to lose) I ordered a below the knee farabloc fitting and for me it has worked and the phantom pains have been almost non-existent.

"I would recommend FARABLOC to amputees who suffer as I did for three years. "

G. P.
Toronto, ON

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I bought your product on November 12, 1988 - as an amputee, I had a great deal of pain- your product has changed my life - four friends with chronic pain noticed the change in me and also bought a Farabloc - all are better for it ... now my doctor wishes to have pamphlets and all available information.

Please send all your pamphlets directly to:

Dr. M.G. Nutting 15508-87 Avenue Weilos Clinic Edmonton, Alberta T5R 4GS

Yours sincerely,

O. S.
Edmonton, AB

My Dear Mr. Kempe:

I have wonderful news to tell you about your Farabloc". My name is Ethel Hiller, and I wrote to you a few weeks ago.

I have suffered phantom pain since Feb/94, twice that month and each time for 19 hours. Six months later, again for 31 hours and still later on for 24 hours. That's when I decided to order your Farabloc - I was desperate --- that was my luckv day, but I did not know it then.

On Jan. 27, 1995, my phantom pain came back and I wrapped your Farabloc around my stump. The pain only lasted 5 1/2 hours. I couldn't believe it!

I sent the blanket back and asked you to please make up one with my specifications which you did expertly I might add!

Well on Saturday, March 11, I was awakened at around 5:30 AM with phantom pain in my right foot (my right was amputated above the knee June 1992).

I immediately put on the Farabloc sock on my stump and could feel the warmth starting to penetrate. I couldn't sleep so at 6:30 - one hour after the pain started I decided to get out of bed.

I put on my special leotards (gobst) then the Farabloc sock and put my stump into my prosthesis. This was only one hour after my pains began, and lo and behold no more pain at 7 AM I use a few death rattles (that's what I call them) and it was all over.


I continued wearing the Farabloc sock for about 5 1/2 hours then very carefully took it off and placed it back in my bureau drawer.

You are a genius to have developed this fantastic cloth and I thank God everyday that I was able to contact you to obtain this miraculous material.

I can't believe my good fortune, and you have made a friend for life!

E. H.
Vancouver, BC

"Within minutes of putting on my Farabloc sock, I felt relief. Since then recurrences of phantom pain have been quickly and effectively blocked by Farabloc. As I said, "Like the credit card company, I never leave home without it."

C. P.
North Vancouver, BC

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Sports Related Pain

Listen to what the British Columbia Track Team has to say:

"I used it twice this month. First after a very hard workout, for four hours while at work and then when my knee was sore. Both times I used Sport Body Toner also and both times I recovered quickly. I believe the Farabloc helped quicken the recovery in conjunction with SBT."
A. T.
Vancouver, BC

"For one month I wore the Farabloc sleeve for 20 min. before going to bed on the right wrist only (to treat tendonitis). The results were: less pain in my wrist, much faster recovery from bruising (1-2 day difference), less bone bruising, improvement in muscle strength, improved blood circulation in fingers. I'm glad I took the time to test your product. It opened my eyes as to what Farabloc is capable of and its wide variety of uses."
M. W.
Vancouver, BC

"Nightly I wrap B size around legs, use A size around chest area. Before Sat & Sun rides wrap the legs under tights, and also after the ride is over for the rest of the day. Definitely improves recovery, legs feel fresh. The next day the legs are much less bred. I am able to recover quite well while on the rides after hard effort, and am able to ride quite strongly on consecutive days. My legs feel fantastic, better than I can remember them feeling EVER! One notation is having a better night's sleep. I am more rested on waking and during the day, and seem to need less hours of sleep."
J. H.
Vancouver, BC

"In June my hamstring was so injured I couldn't do a workout on Thursday night. After 4 nights of wearing Farabloc, I was healed enough to compete on Sunday and won a duathon. Two weeks later I broke 40' in a 1OK running race for the first time. The next night I won the Tour of White Rock Criterium. I never would have had the ability to recover that quickly without Farabloc. What I like best is that Farabloc is non-intrusive and doesn't need an appointment. I simply sleep in the pants while my body heals and recovers in record time."
P. H.
Vancouver, BC

"I feel moved today to write to you to express my unqualified gratitude for the magnificent release from pain I have experienced through the use of your incredible Farabloc fabric!

Seventeen months ago I suffered a complex lower leg fracture which involved my knee joint, and required extensive surgical repair, including the insertion of several pins, screws and a metal plate to support the affected areas through the subsequent stages of healing.

I had been advised that recovery from an injury of this nature would be a slow and painful process, and thought that I had prepared myself for that. However, after fourteen months of daily pain, continuing inflammation, restricted mobility, and additional unpleasant side-effects from medications prescribed to alleviate my physical distress, I was frankly becoming weary of the whole process, and struggling with the additional burden of depression. Then things literally turned around with the discovery of your product! The very week that I decided to go off all medications due to side-effects, I purchased one of your Farabloc cloths, and began wrapping my knee area at bed-time. I covered the full length of my scar as suggested, and left the cloth on during the entire night in an attempt to find some relief from the pain which to that point had caused nightly sleep disruption. Relief was immediate as I quickly became aware of a pleasant, pulsating warmth which was very soothing, fell asleep without effort, and awoke in the morning to the surprising knowledge that I had, in effect, slept the night through for the first time since before my accident and subsequent surgery, and had no pain!

In addition, my knee was considerably less stiff, and movement was much easier while continuing to wear the cloth the following morning, and I was elated! I continued to apply the cloth on a nightly basis, as well as periodically during the day with the same results each time, and in addition, after one week noticed that the inflammation had also noticeably decreased! Considering that this had not occurred to the same extent after all the months that I had been taking anti-inflammatory medications, I strongly feel that there has been a link through Farabloc, and I am so excited about the product that I am sharing my experience with everyone I meet who indicates they have a need for an alternative for pain management. The only negative aspect for me is that the discomfort does ultimately return with the removal of the fabric, but I can handle this now as I know that relief is as close as the next application!

I also feel that daily application of the cloth has enhanced my recovery process for there is a different, positive quality to the physical sensations in my leg now, and I can't help but wonder what would have happened had I known about Farabloc earlier in my recovery process.

In closing, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to use, and benefit from your wonderful product, and applaud you for the vision and the commitment to pain management that is evidenced in its creation. May God continue to bless you in this great, good work!"

B. D.
Burnaby, BC

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Other Pain

"Dear Farabloc: I am rarely compelled to write product manufacturers to tell them how great their products are but this is an exceptional case. I have had 18 months of chronic nerve impingement and tendonitis in my left arm from playing guitar. Nothing worked for me - oral pills, injections, physiotherapy or acupuncture. I had resigned myself to not being able to play guitar anymore, which is my favorite hobby.

I heard your advertisement on CKND radio in Vancouver and decided to order an 8 inch by 30 inch cloth via your website, with absolutely no expectations. After 3 nights of wearing the cloth I was able to play guitar with significantly less pain and after 1 month of wearing it every night, I can play whenever I want for as long as I want with almost no pain! Thank you for making my life significantly more enjoyable!"

"Jan 26 2003
Hello there, sometime in the 80's I purchased a Farabloc 30"X30". It has given me great relief of pain on several occasions, like using it for several weeks on a 14" scar (surgery) on my chest and abdomen, then for a while on some (Sport injuries) severe hip (tendonitis) pain, as well as for the same type of problem on my shoulder and some other aches and pains on muscles.

In all cases the pain disappeared almost instantly and completely. In June 2001 I broke my wrist and tore some ligaments. After 6 weeks the cast was removed and I had to attend several physiotherapy tortures. For weeks during and after I suffered light to severe pain, being almost 70 years of age things heal very slowly. Then just 4 weeks ago I cleaned out a drawer and came across my 30"x30"Farabloc. Even though I ended up with a fairly thick wrap around my wrist, the pain disappeared completely within 15 minutes. Some times I have to leave it off and if there is a change in weather in the making I get pain instantly and Farabloc makes it disappear."

"I have been suffering from menstrual cramps for 20 years. For the past 14 years I have been on prescribed medication specifically for cramps. During this time I always take the medication for at least 3 days. This involves a minimum of four pills per day. The prescription started with 250 mg of Anaprox then went to 550 mg of same and this month I started taking 250 mg of Ponstan.

(When) I tried using Farabloc for the first time, I started on day two and it worked. I did not have to take any pills. I wrapped the Farabloc around my stomach area during the day and evening, even while I slept. I had no pain and did not need to take any pills.

I feel that I must point out that when I tried the Farabloc I was very sceptical. I really did not think it would help. I was also afraid that because I didn't think it would work that (mind over matter) my brain had already convinced my body it would not work.

All I can say now is that it does work and I look forward to not having to use pills any longer.

I cannot express my appreciation and gratitude for Farabloc."

D. M.
Coquitlam, BC

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Because I refuse to use all those prescription drugs that cause side effects, I have, for many years, persevered with pain of rheumatoid arthritis which kept me awake, off and on, every night. One hip, especially, and shoulders took turns being too painful to lie on, to the point that I had to shift back and forth in bed during the night.

However, for about seven months I have been sleeping on my 33x28 Farabloc blanket and I am now able to “sleep through the night.” Unbelievable!!! Though costly - it is worth its weight in gold - and more - to be able to sleep at night, as well as to be able to tolerate my joints during the day. Sleeping regularly on Farabloc seems to have gradually built up more and more resistance against the pain. Now, though not eliminated, it has lowered to a level that I can handle, even during the day, in all the joints of my body."  

"With regards to the Farabloc cloth I purchased from you, I want you to know of the most marvellous results I have had from it. I had bursitis in my shoulder so bad I couldn't raise my arm and I'm arthritic in my hands and other joints and very painful back pain. I am a new person. My friends cannot believe the change in me. I have no back pain, my shoulder is fine. I can now make a fist with my hand and have easy movement. I had difficulty holding a pen. Now I am writing easily and no pain just a wee bit of stiffness. I just had my 73rd birthday... so it's never too late to find help. I don't fully understand just what the cloth does, but it has worked miracles for me."

M. P.
Vancouver, BC

"I have had tendonitis for five years in my arms. They were very painful especially when I laid down on them.

My friend told me about Farabloc. I spent hundreds of dollars on anti-inflammatory, ended up flushing them down the toilet as they made me very ill.

The day I bought my Farabloc my arms were so sore I wanted to take a Demarol, but my family was visiting from out of town. I didn't want to be doped up so I laid with my Farabloc and had a nap.

I noticed my arms were feeling better, so I wore the Farabloc all night. For the first time in years there was relief from pain.

I tell everyone that will listen and those that won't. I highly recommend it."

New Westminster, BC

"This letter is to endorse Farabloc which I have been fortunate to use along with my nurse and her niece aged five who has arthritis in her whole body. (She) was in severe pain and crying and, after wrapping her up in Farabloc at night, the next morning she said the pain had gone away. She is still using Farabloc (blanket) every night."

I. G.

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University Hospital (Vancouver)

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to try Farabloc with some of the patients and staff of the Extended Care Unit.

I was able to offer Farabloc as an alternate method of pain management to twenty people with a variety of chronic pain problems. Of this group, the people with pain related to joint discomfort reported the best relief.

Recognizing that pain can be extremely disabling, it was a pleasure to be able to offer such a safe and cost-effective modality for the management of chronic pain.

I would like to see Farabloc introduced to more clinical settings and wish you continued success with Farabloc.


Pam Abram,
Senior Occupational Therapist
OPI - LETTER - 25 - T

Workers' Compensation Board,
Downsview Rehabilitation Centre

(The patient) is a 73 year old man who suffered a severe crush injury to his left foot with multiple fractures to the metatarsals and phalanges, in September of 1934. He developed gangrene in his lower extremity and had to be subjected to a Gritti-Stokes amputation shortly thereafter.

He has always suffered from phantom limb sensation and pain and various attempts to control this pain have been futile in the past. He has had local injections, a neurectomy, various modalities of physiotherapy and he has taken numerous analgesics, without any significant relief.

Finally in March of 1986 I discussed the advantages and use of the Farabloc. He was very eager to try this new modality. It appeared to provide him with the pain relief in the phantom limb and shortly after he was supplied with a sheet, his wife made some stump socks out the Farabloc material for him. He was able to wear this both with and without his prosthesis and he obtained tremendous relier of his phantom symptoms.

Now that he is back home again, and ambulating once more, he has requested the use of a Farabloc sheet to convert into bandages for his stump.

This patient has decreased his intake of analgesics, substantially since the Farabloc was introduced to him. I expect that he will continue to use the Farabloc and continue to benefit from it.

Yours, sincerely,

D. Bodasing, MD
Coordinator, Amputee Clinic
Document #9448K

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The War Amputees of Canada

National Headquarters
2827 Riverside Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0C4
Tel: (613) 731-3821

Dear Mr. Kempe:

Thank you for continuing to keep us up-to-date on the FARABLOC product.

I forwarded the newer information to Mr. Chadderton and to Faye Lavell of our Service Bureau and they were pleased to add it to their files on phantom limb pain.

I have been asked to write to you as several Departments within The War Amps maintain active files on FARABLOC.

Certainly many of our war amps feel that your product is effective in combating phantom limb pain. We continue to send the information out on a regular basis and have, of course, published extensive material on it in The Fragment magazine.

I am sure that you will also remember that Mr. Chadderton sent the information to Dr. W.B.C. Robertson, the Medical Director of DVA's Veterans Services Head Office some time ago and that triggered a full-scale review of the product by DVA. Dr. Robertson expressed his appreciation for the material as he stated that DVA had not heard of FARABLOC.

We also continue to send copies of the material which you have provided to us to members of the public who contact us from time to time concerning phantom limb pain.

Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on the developments which indicate further support for your product.


Shelley Henderson,
Director of Communications
Ottawa, ON

British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association

Patron: Her Royal Highness Princess Alice.Duchess of Gloucester
Vice Patron: Lady Willoughby de Eresby

British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association

Frankland Moore House, 185-187 High Road,
Chadwell Heath, Romford, Essex RM6 6NA
Telephone: 01-590 1124

...There is no shadow of doubt that for a number of amputees and other people with certain injuries that this product does give enormous benefit so our view is that it ought to therefore be made available especially to amputees.

With Good wishes,

B.N.E. Fox
General Secretary,
British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association

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