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Crystal Clear Disc and Tape Home Page     
The Choice Is Crystal Clear!

CD Duplication, CD ROM replication,CD manufacturing-Crystal Clear Sound

cd rom business cards, shaped cds,

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1000 CD's $999 Get An Online Quote
dvd duplication and dvd replication promotional cd manufacturing cd duplication in as little as 4 days
1000 Promo CDs
Only $599.00

In a protective paper sleeve with clear window.
A great inexpensive package, perfect for promotion or "give-aways"!
Need CDs in as little as 4 Days?
No Problem!
Click here for more details.
Short run cd buring DVDR CDR Replication cd duplication in digipaks business card cd duplication
DVDR CDR Replication
Short run cd burning, fast dvd copy
CDRs $.99 each
DVDRs $2.99 each
1000 CDs in 4 Panel DigiPaks
Only $1599.00

Complete - Retail Ready!
Stand out with the industry's hottest packaging concept!
1000 Shaped CDs
Only $799.00!

Mini Disc, Business Card, and many other unique shapes!
An extremely effective marketing tool.
cd duplication dvd duplication combo special Alternative Packaging
Give your CD a distinctive advantage with the eye-catching Mini-Max CD! Mini-Max discs have a 3" silver center area leaving the outer edge of the disc see-thur clear allowing for creative and unique on-disc designs.
Looking for something more exciting than a standard jewel box?
Crystal Clear boast the largest selection of alternative packaging anywhere! We've got the perfect solution for your unique project!
custom screen printed t-shirts cd duplication and dvd duplication  
Get 72 Custom Screen Printed T-Shirts
Only $99.00

(With any regular-price CD order)
A perfect way to promote your music and make money at the same time!

For over 30 years thousands of artists across the country have trusted Crystal Clear Disc & Tape to take their Audio CD duplication, DVD replication and cassette tape manufacturing projects from concept to finished product. Crystal Clear Disc & Tape can do it all - from full-color art design and digital mastering and editing to professional "retail-ready" duplication and packaging while providing competitive low prices, prompt dependable deliveries, and personal service and attention. Search our website to develop your own unique project, choose from one of our popular "retail ready" packages or call one of our customer service representatives at 1-800-880-0073 for more information and a specific quote for the project that best fits your needs.


GET A FREE CATALOG TODAY!Request a Free Catalog
Click here or call and request one over the phone.

Crystal Clear Disc & Tape can be competitive with anyone in the country in regard to price, quality and service. We urge you to consider our facilities before you make a final decision on your next project. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


1 0 4 8 6   B R O C K W O O D   R O A D,  D A L L A S,  T E X A S  7 5 2 3 8
T O L L - F R E E   1 - 8 0 0 - 8 8 0 - 0 0 7 3
P H O N E    ( 2 1 4 )   3 4 9 - 0 0 8 1
F A X   ( 2 1 4 )  3 4 9 - 3 8 1 9

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©2004, Crystal Clear Disc and Tape, Inc. All rights reserved.
Part of the Crystal Clear Sound Network. Click here for some informative industry links.