The Wayback Machine -
California Beach Vacations at Huntington Beach

Addresses Near Beaches and Parks

Visitors often ask for addresses of beaches and parks that do not have an actual street address. The approximate addresses provided here may help you chart your route via an online mapping service such as Yahoo Maps or Mapquest.  


Approximate Address

17th Street at Pacific Coast Highway

1720 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Anaheim Bay

16400 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Bolsa Chica State Beach 

18000 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Bolsa Chica State Beach RV Camping

18000 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve parking (lot is on east side of Pacific Coast Highway)

18000 Pacific Coast Highway 

Dog Beach Parking

Between 19000 PCH and  2250 PCH

Huntington Central Park

18000 Golden West Street

Huntington Beach Pier (parking)

315 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Huntington City Beach (parking)

21500 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Huntington State Beach

22300 Pacific Coast Highway  (PCH)

Peter's Landing & Marina

17208 Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)

Huntington Beach Local Maps

Other Local Maps

Map of Orange County and LA Freeways

Map of Central Park
Map of Beaches & Beach Regions Addresses
Map of Summer Concerts
Map of HB Visitor Center
Interactive Map