More Oahu, Hawaii Fishing Reports...
2005 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Year :
Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:07:41 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Travis Nosko, Ryan Nosko, Gene Rollinson, Daryl Nosko, Afton Nosko, and Tina May caugth 8 shibi and 15 aku and 1 shark for some fun
We got going at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot trades going to my next favorite buoy. At the buoy we jigged and caught some small aku and shibi and ran one live aku. The bigger shibi were not around today so we set up and trolled to a different buoy. At this buoy we jigged and the first fish we hooked was promptly eaten by a shark, then we had a big shark on 40 pound test on a clarke spoon on a trinidad 30 reel. It took the four guys 2 turns each and 45 minutes of battleing to bring it to the boat. It was a great fight, good going guys. This was a 6 foot shark that broke line as we got it right up close to the boat and got some good photos of it. On our way in we saw some humpback whales inside the red buoy at the harbor, the closest we have ever seen them. good going folks. Aloha Capt Rusty
Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:40:20 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Rob Kellington, Joe Hamel, and Don Cote caught 8 shibi and 15 aku for lots of action
We got going at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot south winds going to my next favorite buoy. At the buoy we jigged and caught some small aku and shibi and ran one live. There was a big pod of pilot whales near the buoy, we got up close as they came right next to us, a good show. We got a few bigger shibi jigging around before it got crowded at the buoy, and the fish slowed down too. Back in the harbor all of these guys ate eyeballs, good going men. Aloha Capt Rusty
Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:13:54 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Lorie Ingle, Jo Crouse, Mark Ingle, and Vanessia Ochs caught 7 shibi and 12 aku for a real fun day
We got underway at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot east winds going to my next favorite buoy. At day break we got to the buoy and jigged and caught some small aku and shibi, and ran one live. When we baited Scot hooked a few small shibi. We jigged some more and caught a few bigger shibi, and a lot of aku. These folks did great on all these fish, good going . On our way in we found a big school of porpoise that followed us for a long time. Then we saw 2 different pods of humpback whales, when we got closer to shore. I was the only one to eat an eyeball today. Aloha Capt Rusty
Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:18:51 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
The Murray Family Annette, Mary, and John caught 3 onos, 8 shibi and 10 aku for a fun day
We got going at 5:00 on this day of 10-15 knot trades going to my next favorite buoy. At the buoy we jigged and caught some small aku and ran 2 live. When we baited nothing came around, so we went back to jigging and got a nice size shibi. A few more shibi came up on our secret weapons, then we set up to troll. On our first pass we caught a shibi and a small ono. Next pass we got 2 onos. These folks did great today on all these fish, good going. Back in the harbor only John was game to eat an eyeball out of a shibi, I like it. Aloha Capt Rusty
Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:17:13 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Nathan Simpson caught 1 big aku and 2 mahi for a fun day
We got underway at 7:00 on this day of 15 knot west winds going to my old favorite buoy, on this day of 25-35 foot surf. At the buoy we jigged and baited but nobody was home so we set up and trolled out. We found an open school of mahi and took a double and got one and lost one right at the boat. Next open school we took a single and got it. The birds were hanging around an area and we worked it and finally took a triple big aku and got one of them. No more hits on the way in. Nathan did a great job on these fish today, good going . Aloha Capt Rusty
Thu Dec 22, 2005 1:15:40 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
The Blunt Family Tony, Sharon, Tyron, and Zac caught 1 mahi 3 aku and 4 shibi and saw whales and sharks today
We got going at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot west winds going to a buoy far away. Well it is official this buoy is dead 2 days in a row, so we trolled away. We found a few birds and caught 3 aku in them. At another buoy we jigged and caught 4 shibi, and in the area we saw a big pod of pilot whales. On our way in we had a mahi hit in the blind and got a small mahi. Just out side the harbor we had a great shark show and saw a humpback whale up close as it crossed our bow. These folks did great today, good going. Aloha Capt Rusty
Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:11:03 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Ron Kaiwi, Tim Beluscak, Ted Thuran, and Jerry Hagood caught 1 aku and saw lots of whales today
We got going at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot winds going to a buoy far away. At the buoy we found it to be devoid of any signs of life, no birds no fish, not like yesterday. We baited and jigged and got nothing, so we set up and trolled to another buoy. On the way we took a slam on the center and got our 1 small aku. There was nothing at the other buoy, so we headed for the ledge. As we went down the ledge we saw pod after pod of humpback whales, the best one just outside the harbor, 6 in all. It was a super flat and glassy day. These guys made the best of the day, good going men. Aloha Capt Rusty
Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:30:37 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Steve and Andy Prickett caught 17 shibi the biggest a 56 pounder and 2 aku
We got underway at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot wnds going to a buoy far away. At the buoy we took a triple 2 big shibi and a rainbowrunner and got them all. Next pass we got a few small shibi and an aku. Then we baited and Scot hooked up some nice sized shibi on light line and we got them all. We jigged and caught an aku and ran it live. When we baited again a few more shibi came around we got a few more. On our way home we saw some porpoise and a pod of humpback whales too, they are showing up more and more. In the harbor only Andy was up for eating an eyeball. These guys did great today, good going men. Aloha Capt Rusty
Fri Dec 16, 2005 1:30:04 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Cliff Heaton, Dan Murphy, Greg Potwin, and Sonny Heaton caught 1 mahi and 9 shibi and 4 aku today
We got underway at 4:30 on this day of 10 knot winds going to a far away buoy. On our way there we could see the island of Maui clearly, at 100 miles away. At the buoy we took a double shibi and got two 6 pounders. Then we jigged and caught a few aku and some small shibi. Then we baited and got a few more 8-10 pounders, and broke off a shark. We saw some bigger shibi but they did not bite for us, so we set up and trolled to another buoy. On the way we took a mahi hit in the blind and got a small mahi. Nothing going on at this buoy so in we went. In the harbor all these guys ate shibi eyeballs gladly, I like it. These guys did great on this super flat day. Aloha Capt Rusty
Thu Dec 15, 2005 1:07:16 PM Haleiwa, Hawaii
Jad Graves, and Linda and Barry Brock caught 11 shibi and saw whales and a whale shark
We got going at 4:45 on this day of 10 knot winds going to my next favorite buoy. At the buoy we took a double one came off and we got a small shibi. We came back with bait but nothing came, so we jigged and caught 10 more small shibi. Then we set up and trolled to another buoy. There we found an 18 foot long whale shark hanging around. Jad asked if he could jump in and swim with it, I said yes and we gave him a mask and in he went, he swam over to it and held onto it's dorsal fin for a short ride, really cool looking, it was super glassy so it was a great veiw. No life at the buoy besides the whale shark, so we trolled to the ledge. We saw several different pods of humpbacks on our way, they are showing up more and more now. Aloha Capt Rusty
2005 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Year :