Two weeks ago, this column reported the results of a recent Milk-Diabetes study published in the February, 2005 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology. See:
Today’s information adds additional bone-chilling news to ice cream manufacturers. It’s the whipped cream atop their hot fudge sundae with a Notmilk cherry on top.
The March, 2005 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005 Mar;59(3):393-8) contains evidence to settle the milk/diabetes debate once and for all.
Hoppe, et. al (Department of Human Nutrition and Centre for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg, Denmark) determined that high intake of dairy products (but not meat) increased insulin resistance in 8-year-old boys.
To determine whether high protein intake from meat or dairy increased insulin resistance in healthy, prepubertal children.
Eight-year-old boys were divided into three groups. Group number one was the control group and consumed neither milk nor meat for seven days. Group number two was fed 53 grams of meat protein each day for 7 days. Group number three was given 53 grams of milk protein each day for 7 days. Blood levels of insulin, glucose, and amino acids were measured daily. Insulin resistances were then calculated for each child.
In the milk-group, insulin resistance doubled when compared to the control group. In the control and meat-group, there were no increases in insulin resistance.
The study results indicated that a short term high meat intake did not affect insulin resistance in young males, while a short term high milk and dairy intake increased insulin resistance dramatically.
The key phrase is “Insulin Resistance.” What is that?
There is a very handy URL which I often use to define a medical word or phrase:
Insulin Resistance
“n. State in which the body does not respond to the action of insulin hormone although enough insulin is produced. This occurs often in people with type 2 diabetes.”
After recognizing that dairy products increase rates of insulin resistance in 8-year-old boys, I am quite amazed that the authors of ths study wrote:
“Our results indicate that a short-term high milk, but not meat, intake increased insulin secretion and resistance. The long-term consequences of this are unknown.”
Faced with overwhelming evidence, it seems clear that these Danish researchers wimped out. At the very least, it would have been appropriate for them to issue an urgent warning in their conclusion section.
Scientists have a need to publish, much like craps players “and real men” have a need to make a pass and play the field. Much like heroin users and cigarette smokers need constant doses of the drugs which addict their own bodies. In this case, the researchers published their study while ignoring its obvious implication.
There was even enough evidence for the scientists to have ventured an educated guess regarding long-term consequences when short term results were so powerfully negative. Unknown long-term consequences? Real-life long term consequences would lead to the end of grant money for scientists who dare to tell the truth (and bite those hands which feed them). Selling out to dairy interests seems to be their survival mechanism.
Robert Cohen