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Discount Diabetic Supplies Cheap Diabetic Testing Supply

Discount Diabetic Supplies

Diabetic Testing Strips

50ct. Supply of Discount Diabetic Testing Strips

Discount Diabetic Syringes

100ct. Supply of Discount Diabetic Testing Strips

Discount Diabetic Lancets

100ct. Supply of Discount Diabetic Lancets

Diabetic Supplies Starter Kit

Discount Diabetic Supplies Starter Kit


Imagine getting a full month’s of testing supplies delivered to your door for the low price of $69.95. Plus, you get a free test meter with your first order.

Discount Diabetes Supply Kit

Your local drug store can’t beat the price or the convenience. And there’s absolutely no shipping charges. One price delivers!

Your first month’s order will include your FREE test meter plus the following supplies:

  • 50 Test Strips
  • 100 Syringes
  • 100 Lancets
  • 100 Alcohol Swabs
  • 50 Glucose Tabs

The following month’s orders will include these supplies, all for only $69.95:

  • 100 Test Strips
  • 100 Syringes
  • 100 Lancets
  • 100 Alcohol Swabs
  • 50 Glucose Tabs