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Java FAQ Weekly Tips
This newsletter arrives once a week, bearing seven questions from actual Java developers, along with the answers to help them -- and you -- solve Java dilemmas masterfully.
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IBM developerWorks
Tutorials and code for open-standards developers.

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News and info for Cold Fusion pros.

DB CompuTraining
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Euphoria programmers talk the lingo about the language.

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Advanced WebDesign
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E-commerce developers talk (Perl) shop.

C++ Builder Tech
Chat about Borland tools and tricks.

Indian Java Nerds
Programmers in India talk about Java.

Mac Web Development
For web developers who use Mac machines.

SQL DBA? Here's the list for work-related Q&A.;

 IT Job News
Job listings for Oracle professionals.

JobChina Newsletter
Postings for IT jobs in China.

Situation Vacant
Ezine for those seeking tech work in India.

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