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How Prescription Diet Pills Work
By: Frank Mills
[Word Count: 425 words] [Viewed: 7 time(s)] [Don't forget to rate this article]

Diet Pills come in three different varieties - prescription, over the counter (OTC) and herbal supplements. The only way to purchase prescription diet pills is with a medical doctor’s prescription. Prescription diet pills are tested and continually monitored by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). You can purchase OTC diet pills at a drugstore, pharmacy, health food or vitamin store. OTC diet pills are still monitored by the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. To purchase herbal diet pills or dietary supplements at drugstores, supermarkets, vitamin and health food stores. The FDA considers herbal diet pills to be food products, which fall under the control of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition which is subject to different guidelines than the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

For prescription diet pills to come on the market extensive testing has to occur which takes years of research. For that reason they are often the most effective products you can buy when you want to lose weight. They are however also the most expensive, and require a prescription from a doctor to obtain. For this reason they were not meant to help you lose 10 to 20 pounds before your next social outing. Prescription diet pills are meant to be taken by people who are so obese it is causing major concerns for their overall health.

Prescription diet pills work by using one of two primary strategies. They either surprising your appetite or blocking your body’s ability to absorb fat. Appetite suppressants do exactly what their name suggests they do, they stimulate your brain into thinking that your stomach is full. Specifically they target norepinephrine and serotonin which goes to the hypothalamus region in your brain, and creates the “full stomach” sensation. When you think your stomach is full you eat less you start to lose weight. A wide variety of commercial products from different manufacturers are designed to suppress your appetite.

Other Diet pills help you lose weight by blocking your ability absorb fat. The pills cause a reduction in the lipase enzyme. With less lipase your body has a limited amount of fat it can absorb. In recent months studies have shown other prescription medication used to treat depression or Alzheimer’s disease shows similar traits to the prescription drugs.

While prescription drugs may be some of the most effective products on the market they should only be used under the right circumstances and only when prescribed by a doctor.

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For more information about diet pills and dietary supplements you can visit


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