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SQL Query to find Nth highest value in a column
By Samir Pandey on 3/16
Language: SQL

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!flat combobox dropdownbox
By Yüksel DASKIN on 3/16
Language: Java/Javascript

(Screen Shot)

Javascript Dropdown Combobox
By Yüksel DASKIN on 10/13
Language: Java/Javascript

A Simple Encryption For Text or Password
By E. Christian on 3/16
Language: Visual Basic

A Cute lil Arrow for MSFlexGrid for Sorting
By Bijo Mathew on 3/15
Language: Visual Basic

Simple Average Calculator
By Yazan Abawi on 3/16
Language: C/C++

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!Mediweb intelligent 2.2
By hasan rafiq on 12/22
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!BcwanBlue
By BIDA Chikh on 3/11
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!ascii2binary
By Jeff Mills on 3/16
Language: .Net

(Screen Shot)

Uisng NUnit effectively in your project
By Krishnan.L.N on 3/16
Language: .Net

ASP.NET datagrid two way sorting
By Krishnan.L.N on 3/16
Language: .Net

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!A1 Search - Access Database Search - Text Search
By Abdul Malick on 2/22
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Load MS Agent
By Sorcerer on 3/15
Language: .Net

Simple Progress Bar
By ExcaliburJ1n on 3/15
Language: Visual Basic

Using __stdcall With VB Calls to Borland C++ Builder DLLs
By Rory Starkweather on 3/15
Language: Visual Basic

Attacher in Spanish
By HackMan Curda on 8/14
Language: PHP

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!jcForms v1.0.1 (updated)
By Juan Carlos San Román on 3/14
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!apacheManager
By Jeff Mills on 2/16
Language: .Net

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!Greg's 3D Snooker revived
By Ulli on 12/5
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!Lift
By Muri on 3/15
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Call BC++ DLL from VB Method II
By Rory Starkweather on 3/15
Language: Visual Basic

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!VB Recent Projects List (Update II)
By Ulli on 3/25
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!ECE Reviewer
By audiobreather on 3/13
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Adding AutoNumber to existing datatable or dataset
By Dave Lim on 3/15
Language: .Net

a 6 Sided Dice Roller
By Coldkillerlips on 3/15
Language: C/C++

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!Toolbar With Background
By dreamvb on 3/14
Language: Visual Basic

(Screen Shot)

Using A Borland C++ Builder DLL From VB
By Rory Starkweather on 3/14
Language: Visual Basic

C# 2.0 Graph Class
By Chris Forbes on 3/14
Language: .Net

Click here to see a screenshot of this code!Real State System
By HackMan Curda on 3/14
Language: PHP

(Screen Shot)

Microsoft Documentation on Calling DLLs from VB
By Rory Starkweather on 3/14
Language: Visual Basic

unmaed os v 1.0.3 beta
By mancini_sean 65 on 3/14
Language: Visual Basic

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Newest Tutorials:

Using __stdcall With VB Calls to Borland C++ Builder DLLs
by Rory Starkweather
3/15/2006 5:03:29 PM

Language: Visual Basic

Somewhere I read that it is very important to use the __stdcall method of calling DLL functions. The reason given was that the calling method determines who cleans up the stack, and VB expects to have to do it, so, if the DLL cleans up the stack, and VB also cleans up the stack, the stack gets corrupted. If the article looks all screwed up it is because it is my first attempt at using HTML tags.

Clear dos screen using JNI
by Tim Mugayi
2/12/2006 11:39:05 PM

Language: Java/Javascript

This is comprehensive clear screen tutorial using Java native interface. Teaches you from A-Z how you go about clearing the windows dos console.

How to Set Up Borland C++ Builder 5.5 Free Download
by Rory Starkweather
3/14/2006 1:20:48 PM

Language: C/C++

First, I didn't write this, but . . . I did the download and install and couldn't get anything to work. I downloaded this article and t answered all my questions. I even learned something new about creating Windows shortcuts. I would suggest that anyone who uses this article for set up instructions will be up and running in less than half an hour, with two test programs already written and running. I'm sorry that it is in MS Word format, but it includes a lot of screen shots and the links are al ... (see entry for full description)

How to display a Confirm box with ASP Classic
by Francis Allan D. Suarez
2/1/2006 1:11:28 AM

Language: Active Server Pages/VBScript

How to display a Confirm box with ASP Classic We can indeed include in our ASP file several lines of code to display a confirm box. If the user clicks the YES button, a routine will be executed; else the webpage won’t be submitted. Set your document ZOOM value to “150%” to see the codes clearly. Given the fact that we cannot directly pass a value from a JavaScript variable to an ASP variable.

Oracle Split Function
by Nasarudin Abdullah
12/28/2005 11:37:17 PM

Language: SQL

This function receives 2 varchar parameters and will return an array

RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
by rohit d'souza
1/16/2006 4:32:51 AM

Language: Perl

This tutorial lists the functions available in Digest::MD5 module

Scroll Memo boxes or richedit boxes the best way
by Una-Rat
3/3/2006 4:39:01 PM

Language: Delphi

This is the best way to scroll a text box i.e. memo's, or richedit.

php calendar
by matthew macnish
2/10/2006 5:57:49 PM

Language: PHP

I've tried to impliment a calendar to my site to allow a convient way to certain things like listing events and or updates. I've looked at a few calendars and they were extremely complicated. I don't understand how they made it that hard. My code is fairly neat and I'm sure it can be cleaned. Play with it if you make any improvements let me know or post it.

Simplified Application Deployment
by Jerry Barnes
10/19/2004 9:51:27 AM

Language: Cold Fusion

This article describes the technique I use to quickly deploy my projects to multiple servers, allowing for different project properties on each server.

Uisng NUnit effectively in your project
by Krishnan.L.N
3/16/2006 1:05:56 AM

Language: .Net

The purpose of this article is to tel lthe readers how to using nunit in your application.its very basic and understandable to the beginners.


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