Nutrition from Seafood
Seafood is a rich source of
protein, vitamins, and minerals; many varieties of seafood are also low in sodium and cholesterol.
Not only is seafood delicious, but it's nutritious as well. It's a delightful addition to any meal and is an excellent, low-calorie source of many essential nutrients.
Seafood contains about twenty percent of the high quality proteins of red meat and poultry. It is also low in fat and most of the fat it has is poly-unsaturated.
Because many diets now specify poly-unsaturated fat, rather than saturated fat, fish and shellfish make excellent main dishes. Some fish are relatively high in fat
such as salmon, mackerel and catfish. However, the fat is primarily unsaturated.
Cholesterol The cholesterol content of most fish is similar to red meat and poultry, about
twenty milligrams per ounce. Some shellfish contain more cholesterol than red meat. However, the fat is mainly poly-unsaturated, shellfish may be allowed for some fat and cholesterol-restricted diets.
Vitamin source Fish is also a good source of "B" Vitamins "B-6", "B-12", biotin and niacin. Vitamin
A" is found mainly in fish liver oils, but some high fat fish are good sources of Vitamin "A".
Mineral source Fish is a good source of several minerals, especially iron, phosphorus, potassium
and zinc. Canned fish with edible bones, such as salmon or sardines, are also rich in calcium.