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Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries




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The images of Oceania are both diverse and fascinating.

The photos on this Web site provide an indication of the diversity of the people,

their unique culture as well as the history and geography of the countries of Oceania.


In addition to the photo images of Oceania, this Web site also contains Links to

extensive postcards and picture galleries of almost all the islands and countries of Oceania.


Oceania Postcards and Picture Galleries Web Forum

Oceania Books Web Forum


Oceania 2000

Oceania Portraits

      Oceania Voyage, 1931 

Oceania Portraits:

The Robert Louis Stevenson Collection

Oceania Historical Images

Oceania Picture Gallery

Postcards from Oceania

Postcards from Oceania 2

Postcards from Oceania 3

Postcards from Oceania 4

Postcards from Oceania 5

Postcards from Oceania 6

Postcards from Oceania 7

Postcards from Oceania 8

Postcards from Oceania 9

Postcards from Oceania 10

Postcards from Oceania 11

Postcards from Oceania 12

Postcards from Oceania 13

Postcards from Oceania 14

Postcards from Oceania 15

Postcards from Oceania 16

Postcards from Oceania 17

     Jane's Historical Oceania Postcards 

Oceania Snapshots

Oceania Historical Pictures

Oceania Tribal Art

Oceania Portraits 1

Oceania Postcards  

    Oceania People

Oceania Voyage

Women of the Pacific Islands

Women of the Pacific Islands I

       Polynesian Girls Gallery  

Women of Oceania

Hawaii Picture Gallery

Images of Kaua'i, Hawaii

         Norfolk Island Postcards 

        Pitcairn Island Postcards   

        Captain Cook's Voyages 

             The Story of Pearl Harbour        

            The Sinking of the Tahiti      

See below for Links to other

Oceania countries followed

 by a set of relevant buttons !



Hula dancer, Hawaii



Samoan Queen, 1920



Some of the finalists for the title of Miss Tahiti 2003

Photo: Courtesy of photographer C. Durocher,

Tahitipresse (

Beautiful and colourful dancers from Tahiti

Papua New Guinea lady in traditional costume

Fire dancer, Samoa

Cook Islands dancers

Samoan winger, Lome Fa'atau, shows off his traditional
Samoan tattoo (pe'a) during the Rugby World Cup 2003
 held in Australia.  Lome said, that the pe'a was
a way for young Samoan men to honour their heritage
and show respect for their culture.  The pe'a
took nine days to complete with the entire
operation being carried out with a pig's tooth
attached to a drum stick. 

        Hawaii Postcards 

Tahiti Postcards

Samoa Postcards

Fiji Postcards

Tonga Picture Galleries

Solomon Islands Postcards

   Kiribati - Christmas Island Picture Gallery (Grapple 1957)

Kiribati Picture Galleries and Postcards

         Nauru Picture Gallery and Postcards 

              Tuvalu Picture Galleries         

        Easter Island Postcards and Picture Gallery 

Polynesia Picture Galleries

Micronesia Picture Galleries

Mysterious Micronesia

Aspects of Micronesia

New Zealand Postcards

Cook Islands Postcards

            Palmyra Postcards        

   Pitcairn Island Postcards   

Vanuatu Postcards and Picture Galleries

Melanesia Postcards and Picture Galleries

Papua New Guinea Picture Galleries

Papua New Guinea Tribal Art

Irian Jaya Tribal Art

Marshall Islands Postcards, Picture Galleries and Stamps

Marshall Islands Picture Gallery 2

New Caledonia Postcards and Picture Galleries

Guam Postcards and Picture Galleries

        Palau Picture Gallery

Trobriand Islands Picture Galleries

 Norfolk Island Postcards 

Wallis and Futuna Historical Postcards


My Wish
by Jane Resture
The frigate bird
The flying fish
It is time for us
To make a wish
And I wish for the sunrise
To be beautiful each time
With days that are perfect
And nights so sublime
And I wish for the sunset
To be like a long red sail
Each and every day
And you and I will always stay
Whatever we wish
Will surely come true
And I wish for happiness
For me and you
And I wish for the world
To live in peace
To live and love as one
To a simple beat
And I wish for us all
To have our lives full of love
Full of joy and happiness
And eternal love


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You are invited to visit for a colourful photographic and musical journey through the beautiful islands of Hawaii. This Web site by Joed Miller is highly recommended. It also incorporates an extensive range of useful and interesting links to other Hawaiian Web sites as well as links to other Pacific Island and Oceania Web sites. 


Virgin Cove

Samoa Hotel Accommodation Resort South Sea Pacific



American Samoa postcard


Tahiti waterfall



For the aircraft enthusiasts, Gatwick Aviation Museum in England, has a unique collection of British aircraft from the "golden age" of British aircraft manufacture. From the end of WWII until the 1970s British aircraft designers produced some of the most innovative and advanced aircraft of the day. In this collection, there are examples from the major manufacturers of this period. Amongst the list are classic names, English Electric, Avro, de Havilland, Hawker, Fairey, Blackburn and Percival.



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