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Palmyra Island Naval Air Station, August 18, 1942

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Palmyra Island Naval Air Station
August 18, 1942

The photograph of the Palmyra Island Naval Air station
crew below was taken on Palmyra Island on Aug 18, 1942.
The names of the seamen along with details of their respective ranks are also included.

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Palmyra Island Naval Air Station, August 18, 1942.

First Row: CRM Alvey, Ensign Lewis, Lt. Cooper, Lt. Stanton, Lt. Headrick, Ensign Rice

Second Row: RM3/C Maloy, RM3/C Dyson, S2/C Koontz, Y2/C Burnette,
RM2/C St. John, RM1/C Givens, RM2/C Karnes, RM3/C Jones
Third Row: RM2/C Norris, RM2/C Gaskill, RM3/C Anderton, RM3/C Marpel,
RM3/C Duenas, RM3/C Tierney, RM3/C Hood
CRM = Chief Radioman, RM1/C = Radioman First Class, RM2/C = Radioman
Second Class, RM3/C = Radioman Third Class, S2/C = Seaman Second Class,
Y2/C = Yeoman Second Class

Photo Courtesy: Carolyn Givens, M.D.

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(E-mail: -- Rev. 7th March 2003)