Can you help us to solve this fellow viewer's household dilemma?
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This month's dilemma:
What can we use to get rid of moths in the food cupboard?
Submitted by Joy in Ohio
I know this sounds gross - but this is what happened to me. When I kept finding little white moths - and then little green worms on the ceiling of my pantry - I found they had eaten tiny holes in many of the food items (boxes, bags - even foil bags). I had to get rid of EVERYTHING in the pantry....then no more moths!! Cathy, WA
Firstly, go through every item in your cupboard. Throw away anything that has webby bits, like corners of the packet. Be suspicious of anything like flour, nuts, spices etc. I even found them in old tea bags, and old patty-pans I had not used in an age. Also, check all containers, even inside the lids. The grubs like to make a cocoon there. Wash every thing, check everything. Completely empty the pantry. Get a "Steam Bird" to spray steam into all crevices between the shelf and pantry wall.
Next, anything that seems okay, not infested, may actually have eggs. Put these items in the freezer for a week. When you take them out, put them in a sealed jar, and even put the jar in a zip seal bag to make extra certain that it cannot be reinfected. Keep some things in the freezer permanently - like flour, rice, nuts as these are favourites in our house
for the moths.
When you buy new flour, rice, etc from the supermarket, give it the one week freezer treatment. This should help kill anything that comes in from the store.
Also, put a moth bait in the pantry, to attract and glue any remaining moths. They are non toxic, little cardboard tents that have sticky walls, and an attractant.
If at any time you see a moth, swat it at once, and try to find the source. Hope this helps.
Jenny, Australia
I had this problem and solved it using "Flour/Pantry Moth Trap" that I ordered from I also used the "Bird Seed Moth Trap" . No more little pesky moths! I think they are also available at Home Depot. Carol, TN
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