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pH Litmus Paper & Kits, Water Testing

19 types for Body Testing, Full Range, Short Range, Water Tests

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0.0-3.0 pH Paper
3.0-5.5 pH Paper
4.5-7.5 pH Paper
5.5-8.0 pH Paper
8.0-9.5 pH Paper
9-13 pH Paper
12.5-14 pH Paper
0-14 Full Range pH Paper
Wide Range, Short Range Mini-Set
Wide Range, Short Range Full Set
pH Measure All- Paper, Pencils, Powders
Blue & Red Litmus Papers
Lo Buff, Lo Ion Water Test Kit
Acid Rain Test Kit
Water Hardness
Test Air Humidity
Test Drinking Water Safety
Books about pH
AB Paper
Test Body pH
Empty Dispenser

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Litmus Paper
Litmus Paper- Red or Blue
$3.50 for a vial of 100 strips. Or both for $6.50. Each strip is 1/4" x 1 7/8".
BLUE LITMUS PAPERS: Blue litmus paper turns red in an acid (acidic) solution below pH 4.5. Blue litmus paper stays blue in a base.
RED LITMUS PAPERS: Red litmus paper turns blue in an alkaline (base, alkai) solution above pH 8.3. Red litmus paper stays red in an acid.

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pH Paper. Measure your pH.

Test Your Body Acidity- Saliva, Urine, Vaginal
pH Litmus Paper 4.5 to 7.5
$19.90 for a package of 75 feet. No dispenser included. Two small and 1 large color chart included. Can buy separately. Sharp color change every half pH unit. Used for testing saliva to determine body acid/alkaline level.
Scroll down to "short range paper" for another urine and saliva test paper (5.5-8.0).

Hydrion A & B pH Dispenser Hydrion AB pH Paper Dispenser
$19.90 a kit.
The Hydrion A & B Dispenser consists of two rolls of Hydrion Papers. One color chart covers the even (Type A) pH Range 2-4-6-8-10. The other chart covers the odd (Type B) pH Range 1-3-5-7-9-11. Fifteen feet in each roll.


pH paper range 0 to 14 All Range pH Paper- 0 to 14
$19.00 a kit.
Covers the entire pH range with 2 rolls of pH paper: 0-11 pH and 12-14 pH. Each roll is 15 feet. Includes dispenser for each roll and color charts. The roll of 0-11 pH paper is graduated in steps of 1.0 pH unit. The roll of 12-14 pH paper is graduated in steps of 0.5 pH unit. All purpose pH paper.

pH Set Hydrion Wide Range, Short Range Mini-Set
$52.50 a set.
Midget Pocket pH Set. The pH set that offers the utmost value for it's size, weight and price. Seven Hydrion papers in single roll plastic dispensers range: Insta-Check Wide Range pH 0-13. Short Range 1.0-2.5, 3.0-5.5, 6.0-8.0, 8.0-9.5, 10.0-12.0, 12.5-14.0.

Hydrion pH Wide Range, Short Range Kit The most complete and versatile set.
Hydrion pH Wide Range, Short Range Full Set
$119 a set.
One Wide Range Spectral 1-14 Dispenser Kit and 19 Short Range pH Dispensers with color change every .25 pH unit. This pH set provides test papers for speedy and accurate pH readings over the entire pH range from 0 to 14. Use the Wide Range papers to locate the approximate pH values, then use the appropriate short range paper to determine the pH value to within 0.25 pH unit.

Hydrion pH MeasureAll Set Good for Teachers
pH Measure All Set
$95 a kit.
Includes wide range and short range pH pencils to measure solid surfaces. A Universal Indicator Solution provides continuous pH measurements. A Low Ion Kit gives pH measurement of water and unbuffered solutions. Two pH papers cover the entire range from 0.0 to 14.0 for liquids. Includes teachers manual and buffer powders.


pH paper range 3 to 5.5 pH Litmus Paper 0.0 to 3.0
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit.

pH Litmus Paper 3.0 to 5.5
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit.

Tests Saliva and Urine
pH Litmus Paper 5.5 to 8.0
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit. Used for testing saliva to determine body acid/alkaline level and for testing urine.

pH Litmus Paper 8.0 to 9.5
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit.

pH Litmus Paper 9.0 to 13.0 Vivid
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit.

pH Litmus Paper 12.0 to 14.0
$19.90 a kit for a package of 15 feet.
Includes dispenser and color chart. Sharp color change every half pH unit.

Test Water

Testing Soil pH

How to Determine Your Body pH Value
Be sure your hands are clean so they don't influence the test when you touch the paper. Perform the color chart test at least 2 hours after any food has been eaten. Apply saliva to the litmus paper strip for a few seconds. Wait 20 seconds.
pH Range Indicator
The litmus paper will change colors to indicate your body's pH measurement. Compare it to the pH color chart below. (The dry color of a pH strip can vary somewhat. However, when submerged in saliva, it will accurately reflect the pH level.)
ph Health test Saliva pH level around 7.4 and 7.5 is best.
The Right Balance
Acidity and alkalinity in your body is determined by the pH (hydrogen potential) scale. Water has a pH of 7.0 and is considered neutral — neither acidic or alkaline. The ideal pH value of your body is 7.4 or 7.5. Your body is acid if below 7.0, and alkaline if above 7.8.
The pH of different parts of the body is crucial. Your mouth should be alkaline (greater than 7.0) for salivary enzymes to function. The stomach should be acid (less than 6.3) to digest protein. The small intestine should be alkaline for the pancreatic enzymes to work. The large intestine should be a little acidic to maintain proper bowel flora. Other parts of your body have different pH values.
When you hold your breath, respiratory acidosis happens (the inability to remove carbon dioxide). If the pH imbalance goes the other way, then hyperventilation occurs. Metabolic imbalances can take place due to fasting, vomiting or diarrhea. The connective tissue, important for drainage of waste products via your lymph system, can become acidic and cause fatigue and headaches. Lactic acid build-up from a lot of exercise is a type of acidosis.
Coral Calcium helps increase your pH level making your body more alkaline. The more alkaline you are, the more oxygen your body fluids have. Use the above color chart to measure your own pH factor.
Understanding the pH Scale
pH Balance Miracle
Coral Calcium pH
pH Test Strips
pH Books

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