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The American Red Cross
First Aid & Safety Handbook
Written for Home Use
By American Red Cross & Kathleen A. Handal, M.D.
Foreword by Elizabeth Dole

First Aid & Safety Handbook
First Aid BookFeatures more than 175 illustrations and provides step-by-step instructions for administering first aid. The first moments after an injury occurs are the most critical. This authoritative guidebook, based on course materials used by Red Cross chapters across the United States, shows you how to handle every type of first aid emergency, including:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Amputation
  • Bites and stings
  • Bleeding
  • Bone, joint, and muscle injuries
  • Breathing problems
  • Burns
  • Cardiopulmonary arrest
  • Chemical exposure
  • Chidlbirth
  • Choking
  • Cold exposure
  • Drowning
  • Drug abuse
  • Ear injury
  • Electrical injury
  • Eye inury
  • Facial injury
  • Genital injury
  • Head injury
  • Heart attack
  • Heat illnesses
  • Nose injury
  • Poison
  • Seizures
  • Shock
  • Spinal injury
  • Stroke
  • Unconsciousness
  • Wounds
Helps readers learn the crucial first aid measures to be applied in any situation, from cuts and burns to cardiac arrest, with instructions and drawings adapted for the first time for home use.

A comprehensive guide to administering first aid in emergency situations, based on course materials used by Red Cross chapters across the US. The step-by-step instructions are accompanied by 175 line drawings.

WomanSource Catalog & Review
I remember my mother keeping an old Red Cross first aid manual in the house when I was a kid; I would consult it whenever my teddy bear needed a sling or bandage. My bear survived, but I'm not sure whatever happened to that book. Happily, I found this new Handbook. It still has instructions for making slings, as well as current information for dealing with all sorts of emergencies from cuts and burns to electrocutions and strokes. Be sure to keep it with your first aid kit for on-the-spot reference.

$17.95 Softcover book, 1992, 384 pages

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First Aid Help
When someone becomes ill or injured there is usually a short period of time before you can get professional medical assistance. It is that length of time that is most critical to the victim. What you do, or don't do during that period of time can make the difference between life and death.

By having some first aid training and knowing cardiopulonary resuscitation (CPR), you can have a major impact to the successful outcome of a medical emergency. Does your household or place of employment have a well stocked first aid kit? Keep your kit in a location that is well known to other family members or coworkers. Contact the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross to obtain information on CPR classes.
There's all sorts of emergencies: a fire, an automobile accident, a robbery, a burglary, a prowler outside your home, when someone is sick or injured so badly that they need to go to the hospital. Non-emergency calls should be placed on normal telephone numbers which may be found in the telephone book. Calls on these lines are answered at the same location, by the same dispatchers, but they don't tie up the "special" 9-1-1 lines.

If you need to dial 9-1-1 remember: Stay calm! Before picking up the phone, take a deep breath and do your best to relax. Pick up the phone, listen for dial tone, then dial 9-1-1. When the dispatcher answers, simply state what you need; I need the police, I want to report a fire, I need an ambulance. The dispatcher will then ask for the address or location of the emergency. This is very important! Do you and other members of your family/workforce all know your address? If not, let everyone know! Better yet, mark the address by each telephone - that way it will be easy to remember. Do you know what city or township you are located in?

Next, the dispatcher will ask you exactly what is wrong - the "details" of your emergency. This is important information too! Do not become upset that it is "taking too long", or that "they are asking too many questions" remember, while one dispatcher is talking to you on the phone, another dispatcher is putting your call out on radio to the emergency personnel. Finally, the dispatcher will ask your name and telephone number. DO NOT hang up until the dispatcher says it is okay to do so. If you are alone or frightened, we'll stay on the phone until help arrives. For medical emergencies, the dispatcher can transfer you to medically trained personnel who can tell you what to do until the ambulance arrives.

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