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 Plastic Cards

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PVC Plastic Cards - Blank or Printed

Graphic quality cards in an assortment of colors ranging from .010 to .030. These graphic cards may be used in Eltron, Fargo and all other dye sublimation thermal printers. In addition we have composite cards made of a combination of PVC plastic and polyester. Call for current availability and pricing. Non-graphic quality cards come in an assortment of colors, ranging from .010 to .030. (.030 is a credit card thickness) Blank cards can have signature panels, magnetic stripes, and a variety of cutouts, notches or holes. Available also are crease white cards in various colors.

Pvc Magnetic Plastic Cards          Pvc Plastic Cards, Various Colors

  • Pvc Blank Graphic Quality - for Thermal Printers

Graphic quality cards come in an many colors ranging from .010 to .030. Graphic cards may be used in Eltron, Fargo and all other plastic card dye sublimation thermal printers. Blank cards can have signature panels in place, with or without magnetic stripes. Composite cards of PVC and polyester available in 60/40 or 80/20. Pvc plastic Cards, blank graphic quality, pictures and card Pricing to choose from

  • Litho Printed

Litho Printed Cards are the most popular method of card printing when: (1) A larger quantity of cards is needed, usually in excess of 5000 cards. (2) Fine screens that required an exact dot match. (3) Quality full process color runs, again requiring very fine screens and overlaying of colors. Card thickness runs between .010 to .030 mil. Normal production time is 15 working days. Contact us about rush jobs/charges. Pvc plastic cards, litho printed process, descriptions and card Pricing to choose from

  • Silkscreened

Silkscreening of cards is an excellent way of producing a nice looking short run of cards in as few as 100 cards. The one drawback of silkscreening is that only spot colors can be run. No screens or halftones can be done with this imprint method. Normal production time is 10 to 15 working days. Contact us about rush jobs/charges. Pvc plastic cards, Silkscreen process descriptions and card Pricing to choose from

  • Short Run Color Process Litho Printed

For fewer than 5000 pvc cards we offer short run litho printed cards which are slightly different than normal litho laminated runs. These cards are printed on a small press and are over coated by a G.V. gloss which is a clear varnish instead of over lamination such as a credit card.  Pvc plastic cards, Short Run litho printing process, descriptions and card Pricing to choose from

  •   Non Graphic - Blank

Non-graphic cards in an assortment of colors and plastic thickness ranging from .010 to .030. Options include signature panels, magnetic stripes and a variety of cutouts, notches and holes. Pvc plastic cards, blank Non Graphic quality, descriptions and card Pricing to choose


  • Styrene Cards

*Call for pricing and availability


Call today Toll Free  800 203-4255

Phone 636 922 0208        Fax  636 922 1474     email:

Call Today - Have Graphic Quality Pvc, Blank Plastic Cards for your Thermal Printer by Tomorrow

Talk with terrific people who are waiting to assist you!!

MasterCard, Visa and American Express, accepted

  • Major Credit Cards Accepted

  • Huge Inventory

  • Same Day Shipping - On most orders placed before 4:00 pm CST

  • Toll Free Ordering - Call today - 800 203-4255
















Compucard, Inc.

610 Saint Jovite 

Saint Charles MO 63304

Toll Free  800 203-4255



Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. C.S.T. - Monday - Friday