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Litho Printed Cards or Laminated Plastic Cards
Litho printed plastics cards are the most popular method of card printing when: (1) A larger quantity of cards is needed, usually in excess of 5000 cards; (2) Fine screens that required an exact dot match; (3) Quality full process color runs, again requiring very fine screens and overlaying of colors. Card thickness runs between .010 to .030 mil. Exact match backgrounds can be achieved by printing the background onto a white card.
To determine the number of colors required for your printed plastic cards, add the number of colors from the front to the number of colors from the back. (Each side requires a different plate even if it's the same color) A 4 color front and one color back would be 5 colors. Price from the 4 color column plus and an extra color from the chart below. Prices Shown are for each litho printed cards - .030 Mil
Additional add-on's for litho printed plastic cards above
Note: For Thermal Printing, Lo-Co encoding is included. For Embossing, color topping is included and also Lo-Co encoding if needed. (Only 1 set up required for these 2 examples) Setup Required: All print jobs must have a plate charge for initial orders. (see below) Thermal Printing - Encoding - Embossing - Scratch Offs: Each one requires a $100.00 setup charge per version) Backgrounds Available: (White is Standard) If a background color is wanted, we suggest setting up your artwork to print the background color. If the background color bleeds off the edge of the cards, be sure to add the $5.90 per thousand cards in your pricing. Plate Charges: (Must be added to each new order) A one time plate charge of $40.00 per color/per side for plate charges on all new orders. Color Key Proof: (Must
be added to each new order)
One Time Charge.
Artwork: Artwork may be submitted a number of ways. We can take electronic files via email, Zip Disks, Syquest, art boards or negatives. The standards in the industry are files done in Quark Express on a Mac computer. Artwork in Adobe Illustrator. Bleeds:
Subtract for Thinner Cards:
Standard Plus or Minus - Over/Under
Production Time:
*For additional information please see our Terms and conditions. Plastic Card Service Bureau - Pricing Call today Toll Free 800 203-4255 Phone 636 922 0208 Fax 636 922 1474 email: info@compucardinc.com
Call Today and Order your Printed Plastic Cards to have in only three weeks. Talk with terrific people who are waiting to assist you!!
MasterCard, Visa and American Express, accepted
Compucard, Inc. 610 Saint Jovite Saint Charles MO 63304 Toll Free 800 203-4255 Phone:636-922-0208 Fax:636-922-1474 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. C.S.T. - Monday - Friday