Closely associated with the
development of the phosphate industry on Ocean and Nauru Islands, Sir
Albert Ellis travelled extensively through the Pacific Islands during the
early part of the 20th century. His record of Kiribati between 1900 and
1945 provides an interesting historical perspective of early 20th century
Tarawa and Kiribati generally.
No greater contrast in island
scenery can be imagined than Betio Islet, Tarawa Atoll, as I first knew it in
1900, and the same place when revisited in October, 1945. On the occasion of the
first visit I went to confer with the Resident Commissioner of the Gilbert and
Ellice Islands Colony (now Republic of Kiribati and Tuvalu), Mr. W. Telfer
Campbell, regarding the opening up of phosphate operations at Ocean Island which
was to come under his jurisdiction, and the employment of Gilbertese and Ellice
labour there. A small lot of Ellice "boys" had already been recruited.
Memorial to Outpost Heroes
Erected on the battlefield at Betio Islet,
Tarawa Atoll, by American Forces.
Brig. Stevenson, Commdr. Rose and Col. Fox-Strangways
reading the inscription:
In memory of 22 British subjects murdered by
the Japanese at Betio on 15th October, 1942.
Standing unarmed to their posts, they
matched brutality with gallantry and met death with fortitude.
Business matters were satisfactorily
arranged, for Mr. Campbell was only too glad at the prospects for commercial
development of the Central Pacific, also that suitable employment would be
afforded for many of the young fellows. Afterwards I was hospitably entertained
at the Residency. Betio was the seat of government for the Colony, or rather
Protectorate, for that was its status at the time.
The Government station was on modest
lines, the Residency being a comfortable two storied wooden building within a
few yards of the lagoon shore. In its limited grounds were a few flowering
shrubs, adding to the scene. It was difficult to have much variety in that sandy
soil, while vegetables and fruit trees were conspicuous by their absence. A
significant term for rice was: "Gilbert Island potatoes." Communication with the
outside world was at long intervals and mostly confined to a three monthly call
by one of the Pacific Islands Company's small trading steamers. I was in the
employ of this London concern, but associated particularly with the phosphate
section of the business.
Mrs. Campbell was on Tarawa and I
remember being impressed both by the manner in which everything in her
department was done, and also by the degree of bravery displayed by an English
woman in living at such a far distant and isolated place. She made the best of
everything in wonderful spirit. There were no other women on Tarawa at the time.
The few remaining houses consisted
of two of three quarters for the limited number of officials and some rows of
native built huts for the constabulary, a calaboose or two, and small buildings.
A feature of the station was a low stone pier extending through the shallow
water of the lagoon shore to a somewhat better depth, but not so far out as it
should have been. Betio at low tide was always difficult so we considered, and
sometimes visitors would have a long wade through shallow water. Our phosphate
vessels frequently went there in the years that followed, sometimes in
connection with labour recruiting, and also when shipping became congested at
Ocean Island through bad weather. The deep passage into Tarawa lagoon gave easy
access to a safe anchorage.
A picturesque, well kept native
village of perhaps two hundred inhabitants was located along the lagoon shore a
short distance from the Residency. On all sides there was the usual dense growth
of tall coconut palms leaning out towards the lagoon, as is invariably the case.
Coconuts were the main feature of Tarawa as regards vegetation; there were
thousands of them and little else except a fair number of the equally useful
In 1908, the seat of government was
shifted from Betio to Ocean Island owing to the growing importance of the latter
with its comparatively frequent shipping connections; perhaps other amenities of
tropical life had some bearing on the change.
The years rolled by and I had not
been to Tarawa for a long period. Before our arrival there this time I was told
that I should not know the place, and that certainly proved correct. It was
changed out of all recognition. I could not even locate the site of the old
residency, but the army hut in which two of us were quartered must have been
within a few yards of where the large building once stood.
Landing facilities were immensely
improved; a great deal of dredging had been done, and where it was once dry at
low tide, there is now a good wide channel, permitting of launches and large
barges going close inshore at any time of the tide. The spoil from the dredging
had been deposited over a wide area on each side of the channel. I must say,
however, that from the scenic point of view, the waterfront and indeed the whole
of Betio is sadly altered; the Japanese and the battle are the cause of that.
We found it almost impossible to
realise that this little island, a flat sandbank as it seemed, and merely a
narrow strip of land not more than two miles in length, had in November, 1943,
been the scene of a most sanguinary conflict, one that will live in history by
reason of its momentous and far reaching effects. Probably the results of the
battle of Tarawa made the Japanese realise that they had no hope of South Sea
Island domination, and their policy was to put up a hard fight at their other
mid-Pacific bases in order to improve their prospects in case of a negotiated
peace. It is outside the purport of this record to describe the battle; some
books and numerous magazine articles have been written on it containing truly
vivid descriptions.
But what does Betio look like at the
present time, not two years from the date of the great fight? Soon after our
arrival Colonel Fox-Strangways took us for a jeep ride round the island,
stopping at the various points of tragic interest to tell us details of the
battle. He gave a thrilling account, the more effectively because, he being the
senior British official, was present at the time; in the earlier stages as an
onlooker, but as a soldier he joined in the fight and followed it to the finish.
Gilbertese nurses at Abaokoro village, Tarawa
Photo: Col. Fox-Strangways
The large Japanese naval guns in
their emplacements, in blockhouse, the ruined search light, the numerous machine
gun posts, extensive lines of reef obstructions and other signs of the battle
are still there, and on many of these a descriptive tablet sets out the
incidents associated with them. The well kept military cemeteries with their
rows of wooden crosses are the most impressive feature.
This aspect is shared also by the
little enclosure erected to the memory of the 22 British men in various walks of
life who had been imprisoned on Betio. Following on the first heavy attack by
American aircraft they were taken out and murdered by the Japanese solely as an
act of retribution. The heroic party included a devoted L.M.S. missionary, a
very gallant wireless officer, the hospital dispenser, an aged retired sea
captain and an elderly trader. The remainder were New Zealand wireless operators
and coast watchers, young fellows who had been stationed on various islands in
the Gilbert Group. The tragedy in many ways resembled what took place on Nauru
and to some extent the events on Ocean Island. The Europeans concerned had
fallen into the hands of the enemy because they elected to remain at the post of
duty; it would have been possible for all of them to have escaped had that been
their first thought.
We never ceased to marvel that on
this little island, less than a square mile in area, over 5,000 dead had been
buried; it seemed incomprehensible. There can be no doubt that the Japanese
considered the place impregnable; following their usual practice of belittling
the white men in the eyes of the natives they boasted to them that they could
never be defeated there. But they did not realise the prowess of the American
Marines. Tarawa will ever be classed among the bloodiest battles of the war, an
epic fight, one in which the gallantry, resource and determination of the
marines carried the issue to victory.
Gilbertese medical orderlies at the native
Abaokoro village, Tarawa Atoll.
Photo: Col. Fox-Strangways
At the present time Betio is still a
large American camp, though the personnel is steadily diminishing; apparently it
will be evacuated before long. There are numerous Quanset huts, and many houses
and huts built out of local native material, but nothing of a really permanent
nature. What was once a dense grove of coconut palms is now a more or less bare
area with only 50 or so palms still standing; these not only escaped the storm
of shot and shell in the battle, but it is a wonder they were not destroyed
earlier by the Japanese in making their defences, which almost entirely
consisted of coconut tree trunks and sand; with this limited material it was
wonderful what effective defences were made. These few growing palms are
interspersed among hundreds of trunks still standing but without their crown of
leaves and bunches of nuts; they are perhaps one of the main features of Betio
at present, a mute relic of the great fight.
One could not but compare the
conditions on this little island, practically a sandbank, with Nauru and Ocean
Island which are natural fortresses with their ramparts of limestone rock and
innumerable facilities for the enemy to fight among the coral pinnacles, or to
go underground. In the event of a landing attack the casualities must have
greatly exceeded those at Tarawa.
One of the few picturesque buildings
on Betio is the Memorial Chapel; reminding one somewhat of the Torokina church.
The British section of the camp is on the lagoon shore and there the Resident
Commissioner and four or five of his officers reside under comfortable
conditions, though the houses are entirely built of local material. They were
originally occupied by the American Admiral and his staff; he handed them over
to the Resident Commissioner when moving on from Tarawa. A large new building in
which the government offices are located is really a wonderful instance of what
can be done in this line of construction, which certainly suits the climate
remarkably well. At Nauru and Ocean Island, however, we have found that this
type of house involves a great amount of upkeep and is not suited for our more
expensive conditions.
The British section is well planted
with young coconut palms; from a very shipshape flagstaff the Union Jack flies
daily and this part of the island is certainly the most attractive area.
Most of Betio is perfectly flat,
bare and blazing hot in the tropical sunshine; certainly most historical, but
not in the least degree scenic. The long wide landing strip for aircraft
dominates the picture, occupying a large portion of the island. Following on the
great battle, Hawkins Airfield, as it is called, must have witnessed remarkable
plane activity on the part of the American forces, for from there most of the
regular reconnaisance work in the Marshalls, Carolines, Nauru and Ocean Island
was carried on, and with such good effect that the Japanese airmen were blasted
out of the skies and their ships off those Central Pacific Seas.
An important feature of Betio life
is the jeep, they are there by the hundred; one seems to go everywhere by these
useful cars - to the wharf, to the canteen, anywhere, always the jeep!
Of the future, one can speak only as
a layman. It seems certain that the evidences of the great battle will gradually
pass away, always excepting the tragic military cemeteries, which are sure to be
well kept. The machine gun posts and gun emplacements depend almost entirely on
coconut tree trunks for their stability, and these are already showing signs of
decay. The sand which hey are keeping in place naturally does not bind together,
and will gradually settle down. a general levelling off process will thus go on,
so far as these defences are concerned. In a few years the probability is that
only the concrete work and the big eight inch guns will remain. There will
always be ample reminders that a great battle was fought on this lone islet.
It seems safe to predict that, once
again the coconut palms will be the dominant feature on Betio in the course of
years; it will take time for they are slow growing in the Gilberts owing to the
irregular rainfall. Even the great banks of spoil from the dredging would grow
this useful and very picturesque palm, which flourishes in coral sand and
shingle. One can visualise the trees planted up to the borders of the
cemeteries; I judge this would be considered appropriate by those who have
pathetic interest in Tarawa. should the airfield be retained, it will probably
be narrowed down to some extent in view of its more curtailed duties; this would
afford growing space for many coconut palms and the whole area would be greatly
Major Holland's fine house built of
native material still stands, and is historical. From there he went out, alone
and unafraid, to meet the Japanese Marines when they landed on the ocean beach
of Bairiki. He had told the constabulary and other natives to keep among the
trees in the background, thinking the enemy would be content to take him
prisoner, and to leave the natives unmolested. The Japanese menaced him with
their bayonets, seized his wristlet watch, and it seemed as if anything might
Glancing around, Major Holland was
surprised to see a native constable close behind him, and asked in Gilbertese
why he had come. His reply was to the effect that the Japanese looked as if they
were going to kill him, and if so they would have to "kill me first." He kept
close by Major Holland throughout the day, while the Japanese were destroying
the launches, boats, canoes and other property. Constable Tato of Tarawa showed
a fine spirit of devotion. He is still in the constabulary.
Several of the colony officials now
reside on Bairiki which has scenic features sadly missing on Betio. Colonel Fox-Strangways
kindly showed us over the other officials at afternoon tea served in Major
Holland's house.
Naturally the future seat of
government is the subject of much local interest, and rumour has it that Abemama
may be selected. A fine large atoll with good anchorage, also a useful airstrip,
the island has many advantages. but the passages for ships to enter the lagoon
do not compare favourably with the deeper one at Tarawa, permitting large
vessels to enter without risk.
Valuable information regarding this
little known colony is contained in Sir Harry Luke's book Britain and the South
Seas, published in 12945. He mentions that while its total land area is only 400
square miles, of which one half is contributed by Christmas Island, the colony
has a total land and sea area of 2,000,000 square miles; in the proportion of
sea to land it is unique. Extending from Christmas Island in the East to Ocean
Island in the West, the distance is 2,000 miles.
Much of the material on
this Web site is from Mid-Pacific Outposts by Sir Albert Ellis, published
by Brown and Stewart Limited, Auckland, New Zealand, 1946.
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