1 What quality are the replica?
We make the replica items with reference to the authentic items in hand, each items is the mirror of the original one. We use the highest quality material and guarantee the 7star quality--Mirror Image.
2 Where are the products made?
We set up our owner factory in Asia to make the products, we import material from Europe, Korea, Taiwan & Hong Kong to guarantee the quality.
3 What is your minimum order requirement?
There is no minimum order limited, but if order over 20pcs items, you will share shipping fee discount.
4 Is the picture posted on Wholesale-Hub.com the same as I will receive?
All the pictures are shooted on the real products, We guarantee you will receive the same or better quality products.
5 How do you ship the orders to our country?
We make shipment by express carrier, air carrier or sea shipper according to the amount of order. Please refer to the shipping section.
6 Which payment do you accept?
We accept payment by Western Union,MoneyGram, bank transfer,Visa Card or Master Card.
7 What's the other product can you provide?
We also can do customize handbag, watches or other products, Just e-mail us the picture or tell us your requirement, We will make the special product sfor you, but the order must meet the minimum amount--12pcs.
8 How to order?
Please sign up our member, you may
direct "BuyNow" button
to purchase in our website.
Wholesale purchase:If you login our wholesale member, you can share wholesale price, the wholesale price is cheaper than the retail price. But each item quantity must be above 2 pcs( or more), Each order lowest total is above 12 pcs.
Retail purchase:If you login our retail member, your can share retail price, the retail price is more expensive than the wholesale price. Because each item quantity 1 pcs only, each order lowest total is above 1 pcs.
Order will be shipped in 1-2 days of receiving funds and the tracking No. will be offered after shipment. Usually the order will be delivery to you in 5-10 days by UPS or EMS (postal service).