INTEREST POINTS close to these FLATS! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mark's Basilica: beautiful Venetian church with 5 domes looks like the
ancient church of Costantinopoli. It was embellished during the early centuries
of the last millennium and particulary in the thirtheenth century when Venice
dominated Mediterranean culture and economy. The church, built to represent the power of Serenissima, is externally embellished with marble, mosaics and bas-relief: all maded with precious materials came from Bisanzio, Aquileia and Ravenna. Internally, the church has a Greek cross plan with domes substained by big columns. But the most amazing fact of this church is that the architectural structure is perfectly hidden by the beauty of the mosaics... |
Bridge: Till thirteenth century Venice was built on a groups of islands
separated by channels and to get on the other side were laid down wood
boards. Later many bridges were built in Venice but no one of them joining
the Gran Canal's banks.
This was a big problem for the Establishment so that population was always teasing it about this promise. Competition had been won by Antonio da Ponte who thought a unic arch bridge, 48 meters long and 22 meters wide. Foundation was started in 1588, and it took some years to finally join the opposite part of the Gran Canal and subsitute the previous wood bridge that many times collapsed before. To get an image of this previous bridge look at the famous painting by Carpaccio "Guarigione di un ossesso")... |
D'Oro: Once upon the time was considered one of the most sumptuous buildings
of Venice for the beautiful colours of its facade, Ca' D'oro knew an unlucky
period becouse of the several restorations made during five centuries of
history, till baron Giorgio Franchetti bought it at the end of XIX century
to create an art gallery. Inside it's possible to admire masterpieces by Mantegna, Diana and Carpaccio. Besides there are many paintings of Flemish school and what remain of the decorations that one time made beautiful the facades of the buildings near the "Canal Grande" (main channel of Venice). |
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