Web crawl snapshots generously donated from
Accelovation. This data is currently not publicly accessible.
the site:
Accelovation is pioneering the delivery of Insight Discovery? software solutions that help companies move from innovation idea to product reality faster and with more success.
Our solutions are used by leading firms in the Fortune 500 and beyond ? companies from a diverse set of industries ranging from consumer packaged goods to high tech, foods to chemicals, and others. We help them mine the online world for market and technical insights to help speed the process of innovation.
The Wayback Machine -
Host Statistics
Number of unique websites we host: 43,590
Number of resellers: 5407
We have customers from 140 countries
Combined, our servers utilize up to 118,000GB gigabytes of
data transfer per month [1,416,000GB gigabytes per year]
Number of email deliveries per day for clients (in/out): 1,050,000
Combined, our server's deliver over 42,000,000-46,000,000 hits
per day
Combined, our server's store over 125,000GB gigabytes of data
Combined, our server's utilize over 600GB gigabytes of RAM
Combined, our server's total CPU processing power equates to: 600,000Mhz