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Flowers and Plants Stores Online
Plant Stores
Plant Stores Online

Shop for plant stores includiing plants, trees, tropical plants, house plants, flower pots, soil, bulbs, roses, perennials, and more online!
Home > Garden Shopping Online > Plant Stores Online

1. Springhill Nursery - Garden Center Since 1849!
With over 30 million catalogs mailings, Spring Hill Nursery is one of the top mailorder nurseries in the country. Shop for professionally-designed Step-By-Step Gardens which will bring a very special touch of beauty to every area around your home.

2. Michigan Bulb - Easy Growing Ideas!
With catalog mailings exceeding 60 million, Michigan Bulb is a recognized name in the industry. Shop for Roses, Perennials, Bulbs, House Plants, Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, Ground Covers, Hedges, Accessories, Best Sellers, Bargains and much more.

3. Blooming Bulb - For all Your Plant & Bulb Needs!
Blooming Bulb has a long history in the plant industry, and markets top quality Flower Bulbs, Perennial Plants, and other horticultural products. Shop for Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Flowers, Vines, Gift Baskets, and more.

4. Direct - Plants, Flowers & Trees!
Shop Direct for Plants, Flowers and Trees including Christmas Cactus, Perennials, Redwood Trees, Vegetable Seeds, Bulbs, and more.

5. Breck's - Bulbs from Holland Since 1818!
With catalog mailings exceeding 60 million, Brecks is a recognized name in the industry. With over 1000 different items to choose from, Brecks is a top supplier of premium Bulbs, Flowers, Perennials and Trees. 184 Years of experience assures superior bulbs for your garden.

6. Gurney's - The Most Complete Seed & Nursery Company!
Mailing over 40 million catalogs, Gurneys seed and nursery is one of the largest horticultural catalog companies in the country. Their user friendly site offers a full array of Live Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Trees, Shrubs and Gardening Tools and Supplies.

7. Henry Fields - Seed and Nursery!
Mailing over 40 million catalogs, Henry Fields is a well known leader in the seed and nursery business. Shop for a full array of live Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Trees, Shrubs, Gardening Tools, and Supplies.

8. Landscape - Green & Hard Goods!
Shop Landscape for Roses, Bulbs, Seeds, Herbs, Vegetables, Trees, Shrubs, Tools, Carts, Greenhouses, Pond Supplies, Bonsai Supplies, Planters, and much more.

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