1. Springhill
Nursery - Garden Center Since 1849!
With over 30 million catalogs
mailings, Spring Hill Nursery is one of the top mailorder nurseries in the country.
Shop for professionally-designed Step-By-Step Gardens which will bring a very
special touch of beauty to every area around your home.
2. Michigan
Bulb - Easy Growing Ideas!
With catalog mailings exceeding
60 million, Michigan Bulb is a recognized name in the industry. Shop for Roses,
Perennials, Bulbs, House Plants, Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, Ground Covers, Hedges,
Accessories, Best Sellers, Bargains and much more.
Bulb - For all Your Plant & Bulb Needs!
Blooming Bulb has
a long history in the plant industry, and markets top quality Flower Bulbs, Perennial
Plants, and other horticultural products. Shop for Seeds, Bulbs, Plants, Flowers,
Vines, Gift Baskets, and more.
Gardening.com - Plants, Flowers & Trees!
Shop Direct Gardening.com
for Plants, Flowers and Trees including Christmas Cactus, Perennials, Redwood
Trees, Vegetable Seeds, Bulbs, and more.
5. Breck's
- Bulbs from Holland Since 1818!
With catalog mailings exceeding 60 million, Brecks is a recognized name in the
industry. With over 1000 different items to choose from, Brecks is a top supplier
of premium Bulbs, Flowers, Perennials and Trees. 184 Years of experience assures
superior bulbs for your garden.
- The Most Complete Seed & Nursery Company!
Mailing over 40 million
catalogs, Gurneys seed and nursery is one of the largest horticultural catalog
companies in the country. Their user friendly site offers a full array of Live
Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Trees, Shrubs and Gardening Tools and Supplies.
7. Henry
Fields -
Seed and Nursery!
Mailing over 40 million catalogs, Henry Fields is a well known leader in the seed
and nursery business. Shop for a full array of live Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Trees,
Shrubs, Gardening Tools, and Supplies.
USA.com -
Green & Hard Goods!
Landscape USA.com for Roses, Bulbs, Seeds, Herbs, Vegetables, Trees, Shrubs, Tools,
Carts, Greenhouses, Pond Supplies, Bonsai Supplies, Planters, and much more.